Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Wordless Timmy Toes

Timmy Tomcat: Tomcat Home Spokes Cat 

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Monday, July 29, 2019

Mancat Monday: Rumpy's Desk Duty

Dad says I have to sit here on Desk Duty until I promise not
to be bad. I have been charging the family with no provocation

Maybe if I give Dad a little Nibble he will give me a pass

Come on Dad I'll, umm, you know, try a little

Rumpy being cute will not get you off Desk Duty!
You better try a lot!

Even if I put my head down and purr?

Its a start but try it with the other cats and not just me
That may be the rub

Rumpy Bump Stumpnots: Our Court Jester
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Toby's Handsome Selfie

We are joining The Cat on My Head for their fun
Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. You should too!

I was looking through some my photos and saw this one
from November 2013. Goodness I am a handsome fellow

Please visit our friends Marv, Ninja and family at Tails of a Persian Tabby as they sure can use some purrs

Our dear friend Zoey of Zoolatry also needs some purrs so
please stop by.

Toby Tomcat: The Handsome Fellow

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Friday, July 26, 2019

Friday with Fitz: Secrets

So I gave Pinkie a rest while I thought about whether I wanted to do the Friendly Fill-Ins. A girl should not give away too many secrets so I asked Toby to and Dad to do them

We are asking our friends to continue to purr for Marg. Thanks

We are joining 15 and  Meowing and Four Legged Furballs for their fun Friendly Fill-ins. My beau Toby is doing the first two
and Dad is doing the second two. Go fur it fellows.

1. If I had Dads credit card, I would get Einstein a ticket to Mars.

2. Napping sparks my creativity.

3. Buddy Budd asking for Noms keeps me up at night.

4. I only just recently learned I lost 10 pounds, Yay.

Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Wordless Einstein: Mine

Dad: Sorry we have not been visiting. Work on the Cat Room has finally turned the corner so see you all soon.

We just heard that our friend Marg needs all of our support.
We are sending our Purrs and Prayers dear Marg!
Visit Marg's Animals 

Einstein: The Floofy Kid 
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Monday, July 22, 2019

Man-Cat Monday with Einstein

Dad is working on the Cat Room again and brought out some more goodies we have stashed from Catmus.

Excuse me while I get to know my new Nanner

Einstein: The Floofy Kid 
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Sunday Selfie: Toby

We are joining The Cat on My Head for their fun
Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. You should too 

I am taking a morning window break with Nutty. He is
quiet so we let him hang with us on the big windowsill.
Yesterday was our Angel friends Flynn  and Eric of Two Devon Cats blogoversary. We love those two. It was also the anniversary of the very first comment on our blog which was by Da Trout Talkin Tabbies. Thanks friends. Today is the Blogoversary of The Cat on My Head and we  wish them many more to come.
Now I will get back to my nap.

Toby Tomcat: The Handsome Fellow

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Friday, July 19, 2019

Friday with Fitz: Wild Pinky

Dad you skeered a Wild Pinky from under the Hutch

*Fitz Cam Action Shot*

You have to really watch them closely

*"One paw on the ground" Fitz Cam Action Shot*

Yes, that's a Wild Pinky
I prefer the Brown Long Tail

*Fitz Cam Action Shot*

Whew this Pinky is wearing me out

I have my eye on you Pinky!

Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed
Einstein: The Floofy Kid 

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam, Spam

Hi Timmy. Want some Bacon Spam?
Wonderful Spam, sure Dad!

Nom, Nom, Nom

Wow this is good

Daaaaad. You have a starving girl here
Here you go Fitz
Nom, Nom, Nom

Wow, that is a chunk!
*Fitz grabs her spam and goes under the Armoire to eat

Thanks for licking the table clean Timmy

Thanks to all my friends who came to my 12th Birthday Pawty. 
I will be by to thank each of you 

Timmy Tomcat: Tomcat Home Spokes Cat 
Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Monday, July 15, 2019

Timmy's 12th Birthday

Happy Birthday dear Timmerz
Happy Birthday dear Timmy
You bin our wonderful patriarch and we lovin you
Happy Birthday dear Timmy

Thanks so much to Pippo, Dog Guys and Petcretary

Dad tell us about when Timmy came to live here
Alright family. Back in September of 2007 my neighbor and I would chat in the driveway and we got around to the subject of cats and rescue. She was a volunteer and asked if I wanted to adopt a kitten to which I quickly declined. Inky was 21 and did not need any stress. The next week she asked again and said that if  it didn't work out she would take him back. We gave it a try.

Hi Dad
You sure were cute Timmy
I still am
That you are 

Timmy was a very gentle cat and became friends with old man Inky. We adopted Toby so he would have someone his own age to play with in April 08. Timmy has welcomed every cat into his home and is my Heart Kitty. He is a wonderful friend to all.Aww Dad, thank mew

Timmy we sure did have fun back then didn't we
That we did Toby. Those were the days
Timmerz ah knowin dat when ah movin in ya treatin me lak ah da brofurz ya missin. Luv yoo brofur
Love you Buddy Budd
Guess I'm next. You did welcome me right in didn't you. Thanks
Rumpy Bump you are welcome
Timmy I am still amazed how you said hello to me and Mr Buttons when we came up from the foster room. It helped me relax my friend.
Miss Fitz here we are still chasing each other around MOL
Timmy I remember when I was tiny. I would lay with Dad and you said that was alright. Today we still share the old guy.
Yes we do but remember he is my main hooman alright

Nuff remanissy-ence! Lez Pawty!

I got you your own Kicker with nip
*Whiffie* Dad it is Fresh!


You all go and eat. I'm going to hold on for a bit

I got you refills too

Hey Rumpy. These are just for Timmy
Grumble, Mumble

Dad made plenty of baked flounder which Timmy loves

We have lots of good noms so eat up friends

Ah makin ya da Strawz-Berriee Cheezy Caker. Enjoyz

Stay as long as you like friends and eat till you are full to the top!
Thanks for coming to my big birthday bash

Timmy Tomcat: Tomcat Home Spokes Cat 
Toby Tomcat: The Handsome Fellow
Buddy Budd: Elder States Cat
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots: Our Court Jester
Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed
Einstein: The Floofy Kid 
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman
Angel Mr Buttons in Spirit

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Sunday Selfie: Rumpy Bump

We are joining The Cat on My Head for their fun Sunday Selfies
Blog Hop. We purr for Sawyer and you should too

Shhh! Tomorrow is Timmy's 12th Birthday. Be there or be square

So I heard Dad thinking out loud about calling my strikingly handsome photo a Selfish Selfie. Yeah, that's from a guy who is always mumbling but that's "thinking out loud." Sheesh

Rumpy Bump Stumpnots: Our Court Jester
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Friday, July 12, 2019

Friday with Fitz: Boyfriends

Toby Tomcat. You come down here right this second!

You just chased me up here so no way, no how

Oh please. I was just playing

Playing? You were all puffed up like a wild cat

Maybe just a little puffy
Still 5 minutes later

Boyfriends sure can get your blood boiling
Good and Bad MOL

Will you be down for Timmys Birthday on Monday the 15th?
Very funny

Toby Tomcat: The Handsome Fellow
Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved