Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Einstein in Straw Man Argument

Nya Nya Einie is a Weenie!
What! Come down here and fight like a Straw Man!

Anytime! You Weenie
Gotcha! *BITEY*

Got away! Tickle your Tushie!
Ha Ha Ha sss.... ss... stop already!
Hee Hee
I am not a  Pack of Hot Dogs!

Gotcha Again!
How did this happen? I had you
I Knocked down the Straw Man!
That is the way its done my fine arguing kitty


Monday, November 27, 2017

Bag Boy: Rumpy

Tum-De-Dum, La-Tee-Da, Doo-Da... Blorgle?

Oh, hi... You ask: What is all this then

I am making sure there is room to shop for noms

After all we have lots of new cabinet space!

And as Buddy would say: I'z a hooohgry Kittah!

Rumpy Bump Stumpnots

Sunday, November 26, 2017

Selfie Sunday: Buddy & Dad

Taday we iz bloggie hoppin wit dem cats at
The Cat on My Headz

We be takin a break afterz da givinthanks day.
Dad had dat sneaky phantomz pain real bad, bad, bad.
That's not all my dear friend
Raght, ah not feelin liker eatin an yoo get real, real, real worries.
Buddy I am so glad you ate some noms big fella
We needa break an ah hopin we back ta normalcies now
Purrs and Prayin really, really, really appreciaterz!
Oh yez... almost fergat! 

Diz a good, good, good Selfies!

Sure is Buddy Budd
Hi Kali! Mah lovin Canadian Catz Yoo

Buddy Budd
Kali: The Canadian Cats
Dad Pete

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving

Hello Friends
We are so thankful to have all of you in our lives. 
Have a wonderful day and eat your fill!

Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Miss Fitz
Mr Buttons
Dad Pete

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

The Way it Was: Rumpy

I asked Dad if I could have a nostalgic walk around the
old place

I was asking myself if I would miss the old joint?
My old lookout spot?

Noooo... We have a Bazillion Windows downstairs!

Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Dad Pete

Monday, November 20, 2017

Movin In

Dat wazza biggie job Dad
You betcha Buddy. I am so glad we are mostly moved in.

Ah sure needin a restful
Buddy all you did was nap in all your new spots

Ah hadda find-em didn't ah!
Lez show em da placer nex weekz. Time fur nappy
I agree

Buddy Budd
Dad Pete

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Sunday Selfie: Toby

This is a Blog Hop! Make sure to visit all our friends at :
The Cat on My Head

We are still busy with moving. Dad has to go back upstairs to get a shower so I am going to help with the tile down here today.
That meowed, I volunteered to be our family selfie today

Now you have a very handsome Panfur to show the 

guests on Turkey Day. Just Print out my Selfie!
May you have lots of leftovers!

Toby Tomcat

Friday, November 17, 2017

Friday with Fitz: In My Way

You're in my way. Timmy!
None of your guff. Fitz!

Oh Really! *Whack*
*Block* Hey!

You stop your behavior This Instant!

Whispers: Or what?
You'll find out!


Oh... Truce
No one saw that did they?
Oh they sure did. You got whipped by a Girl!
No. I didn't!
Yes. You did!
You're in my way. Fitz!
None of your guff. Timmy!

Timmy Tomcat
Miss Fitz

Monday, November 13, 2017

Rumpy's Friendship Movie Time

We are moving so this may be our only post this week! Hah. From the best cat too!

Wow Dad I didn't know you could watch us later on
Yep. It's called a movie 

Just look at my very best buddy, Einie, playing
He sure is a energetic little fellow

He does that exact move when we play... *sigh*
You two really love each other

That we do Dad, that we do

Einstein! Einstein where are you?
I'm right here Rumpy, no need to yowl

What is all this then?
Oh, I was just thinking how you are my dearest friend

I'm more than that. I am your Brofur!
And I yours, Brofur!
You really are silly sometimes Rumpers
Let's play Chase N Wrassle
Come on

Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Dad Pete

Monday, November 6, 2017

Buddy Budd: Conflict over Cuddle

Hey Buddy lets play
Yoo gotz it Blue Tailz

*Rawr, Bitey*

You are one scary cat Buddy

I'm gonna get away
No wayz *Grab*

Are you two done cuddling?

Sleepin wit one eyez open Timmerz!
What Buddy Says!

Timmy Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Blue Tail

Friday, November 3, 2017

Friday with Fitz: Laid Out

What a busy week. Furst it was Halloween. What a blast.
Lots of Nip, Noms and Dancing with my Boy Toy Toby

Then The Day of the Dead. I really enjoyed remembering our Family Angels.
Is it any wonder I am Tired and All Laid Out

Now Shush so I can get a quick Cat-Nap in!

Miss Fitz

Thursday, November 2, 2017

Tomcat Family Celebrate the Day of the Dead

We are celebrating the day of the dead by thinking of those who have gone over the Rainbow Bridge. We are so thankful to Dad for having given them and us a loving home.

Peppy was a big old Tomcat that Dad had when they still had the family restaurant. He was a gentle fellow with kits and his gal but a terror with local dogs and other Tomcats.

Patches was Peppy's main gal pal. They were from the time before
Spay/Neuter and so had many happy kits who Dad helped find homes for.

Ming the Merciless was Dad's Siamese Huntress. She lived with Dad in his room and all his friends were afraid of her. She would make nice and then bite to the bone. She loved hunting and made sure to bring prey home to eat. She hated other girls and would poop or pee in their shoes when they visited Dad. A gal after my own heart.  

Peep girl aka: Pee was another of Dads little girls. She had a bum leg from an injury before she came to Dad and had a little swoop when she walked. She LOVED being with kit and no matter what Dad did she would get out and come home dirty, happy, and preggers. She was spayed and then made sure she kept her last kitten, Inky, under her paw. Her name was from her little Peep meow.

That lil'feller Inky was a cool dude. Dad called him da self-petting-cat as he wood get all exciter an rub gainst anything but yer hand after a fast head rub. Har Har Har. He lived to almost 23. Dad thinks it cauz he love ta drinkin wata. Ah doez too an gonna livin long, long, long! Yessir!

Amber was a kitty that Dad inherited from his Mom. She was a Fluffy Orangie and shed more than Rumpy if you can believe that. She was so happy to move in with Dad, Timmy and Toby and had a great time with them.

Coco also moved in with Dad after Mom passed. He was a Sphynx with not a hair on his body. When Dad went to bed Coco would run right under the covers and start his purr motor. Any other time he would be on Dads lap under his special blankie.

All our Angels visit in our dreams and tell us amazing things about being over the Rainbow Bridge. We love them all and are thankful to Dad for giving us all a wonderful loving home. 

Befur ya goez didja figgur out whoz was whoz? Betcha didntz guess Buddy Budd. Har Har Har

Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Miss Fitz
Mr Buttons
Dad Pete