Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Happy Fat Tuesday

Hi Friends
Happy Fat Tuesday!

Yoo all havva fun day OK. Shoutin out ta Kali! Hey girl!
Friends Pawty Sensibly. Get lots of Nip ahead of time
I am saying hello to Shoo! Kissy! Get Brews too!
Get lots of Noms
I only need you Fitz my sweet

Oh Toby... *Sigh*
Keep the drinks and Nip away from the kits please
If you need some good tips you can buy my...
Rumpy Shush you face! You are incorrigible
That is my best feature MOL
Come on family I have treats for all
Yay Lets Go!

Have a Very Fat, Fat Tuesday!

Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Miss Fitz
Mr Buttons
Dad Pete

Monday, February 27, 2017

Rumpy Bump Reaches Out

Hi Billy Bob, what's happening
Yo Rumpy Bump. I'm on a Quest, a Mission of goodness!

Too cool. What are you questing for my friend
There is something really great for all cats that... Hold on
*Whiffie* YEAH! I have the Scent!
Wow, what is it?

Gonna get it ♪, gonna get it ♪, meow ♬
meow ♬ mee-oow gettin ♫ close

You're killing me here Billy what is it?

YEAH, Nom Nom Nom
Where are you? Send the address! Yo, Yo, Yo
Nom Nom Nom Nom
Darn. When a cat is in their noms they
may as well be on the moon

Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Billy Bob - Full up belly boy

Friday, February 24, 2017

Friday with Fitz: Blue Ghost Fun

Hey! Who's that?
Woo Woo... It's the Blue Ghost

Oh, Hi BG. How have you been?
Bored! Want to get it on?

Always! Meeoow-Rowrrr!
Whoa, close. Can't cat-ch me Nya Nya

You just wait BG
Ha! No way you can catch meeee! Ha Ha H...

Urk... I... Ouchie... Oh...
 Now what do you say BG?

Erk, Ack, Uck... Can't... Move...
Do you GIVE?
Ye... es... Ple... as... e...

I saw my life flash before me
Didn't that happen already?
Um, yeah. It sounded good though, right
BG you are one funny ghost MOL
You are one cool cat Fitz
Don't I know it!
Ha Ha

Miss Fitz
Blue Ghost

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Keeping Cozy on a Cold Night

The past couple of weeks have been so very cold we have been cuddling with Dad at night.

It is nice and Cozy with all of us here Toby
It sure is my sweet Fitz

I am going to get a little grooming in so I look my
best for you dear.

Oh Toby *Sigh* you are such a Manly Man-Cat

Brrr it's cold. Can I join in this cuddle fest
Sure Einie, grab a spot
Once I am done my rub with Dad. Ahhhh

Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Miss Fitz
Mr Buttons

Monday, February 20, 2017

Purresident's View

Dad is our Commander in Chief and that is the same as Purresident. I wonder what the view is like from the top?

Hey Rumpy have you seen Dad
He is at work Timmy

I like this. It is nice and comfy with a good view 

I can see on top of the book case. Mr Buttons likes it up there

I can whiffie Dad. He smells good

Buddy and me like the pillow on the left. Buddy gets his night
meal there and I sleep next to Dad. I can reach and cuddle
with him too. A Purrfect Spot

Miss Fitz likes to get treats on the right and so does Mr B

Toby gets treats in the middle. Yes, we all have a spot with our
loving Purresident 

Hi Timmy what's going on?
Oh... hi Dad. I was just checking out the view from the top.
My little buddy, come here for a cuddle
Mmmm thanks Prez
What? Are you the Purresident of us today Timmy?
Not quite Dad, but close... Hee Hee
You are one cute kitty Tim. *Rub, Pet, Cuddle*

Timmy - The Happy Tomcat
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots

Sunday, February 19, 2017

Selfie Sunday: Timmy

The Cat on my Head

Hi friends. When we were saying hello to Teddy I realized
I have not done a Sunday Selfie with our friends from
The Cat on my Head in a while. I asked Dad to snap
a few extra shots

Dad no need to do any more
It is a great photo of a great cat Timmy
Aw Dad...

Make sure you check out our Hello to Teddy Post too!

Timmy Tomcat
Dad Pete

Hello to Teddy!

♪♫Hello to Teddy♫♪
♫♪Hello to Teddy♪♫
♫Welcome to ♪♫ our New ♪ Friend♫
♫♪Hello to Teddy♪♫

Teddy the Tomcat Home wants to wish you a
Big Welcome!
Each of us has a cat skill we can share with a young fellow.
If you need help with managing kitties let me know.

I keep this bunch in line so can purrvide some pointers

As the handsomest Man-Cat, Ever, I can give you some
pointers on how to make the Lady-Cats Swoon!

No listenen ta dat Toberz, MOL. Gittin Treatz iz
da most impawtent thing a young cat needs ta knowz.
A got lotza lotza suggeztonz

Ah young Teddy. You can come under my tutelage to
be a well rounded cat. You should buy my Rumpy's
Self Help books listed above and
Rumpy SHUSH! You stop that hard sell right now!
Yes Miss Fitz. Sorry...

Sorry about Rumpy Teddy. You are really handsome and
will have lady cats flirting. I can help pick the
right lady out. No sneaky kitties will get by
my sharp eyes... or claws! MOL

Teddy! Welcome New Friend!
Hope you come over and play with us.
We will have lots of fun

I second that Teddy. We have toys galore and Dad is
a good wand wiggler. See you soon
♫Welcome to our New Friend♫♪
♪Wecome to our New Friend♪♫
♫We will have ♪ Tons of Fun♫♪♫Yes we ♫ will ♪Teddy♫

Hello Teddy. Dad here. I want to let you know that you 
are welcome at our home anytime. Glad to meet you

Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Miss Fitz
Mr Buttons
Dad Pete

Friday, February 17, 2017

Friday with Fitz: The Trouble With...

There! Again! Awful I meow you!

It simply gives this girl-cat fits. 
Yes. Fitz has Fits!

Oh look, more troubles right over there!

What pray-tell you ask, why Man-Cats of course
Stinky, Troublesome, Slobbering, Stealing, Problematic
Man-Cats! That white one Rumpy especially!

Of course my Toby is a Handsome Prince among cats
Honey, do you mean that?
As long as  you bow and scrape you will be just fine
Whew, thanks dearest Fitz

Toby Tomcat
Miss Fitz

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Rumpy and the Blue Ghost

Rumpy, don't  look now but there is... something... coming at you
Oh Shush Einstein! Rumpy it is just Blue Ghost. He is a lot of fun

Why hello there, have we met?
Hi Rumpy. I have been watching you and it
looks like you are full of cat energy

I sure am, want a little, *Grab - Bitey*
Yee Haa! I thought you would never ask

You are a fast ghost fur-sure
You just wait

I will get you and... missed

Getting closer...
You are... not Hee Hee

Whew, you sure did Rumpy

Thanks for a great workout BG
Blue Ghost is the name, playing is my game
Pleased  to finally meet you
Did you see my line of self help books that...

No need. It's a ghost thing

Blue Ghost - Having big fun
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots - Me too
Mr Buttons

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Valentines Day

From all of us
To all of you
Have a day full of love from those you hold dear

We got our friends a box of chocolates that are really tasty and

A vase filled with a dozen roses.
They smell so good Timmy
Sure do Miss Fitz

We are all having a great time here with Dad. He is a real romantic and says we are his little furry love bugs
Aww Dad that is so nice
I love all of you and I know you love me
I even feel full of love today!
Rumpy you only love yourself
I didn't say fur who MOL
Rumperz yoo are tooz muches. Frenz dere waz a Pawty at Cat Scouts dis weekender an me an mah gal Kali shook our booties

We cut a rug fur shur! Ah luv luv luv dat gal

Me and dearest Shoko also cut a real mean rug

As did me and sweet Dora

Of course the best part of the party came a little later when we were alone with our girls
Yoo got dat raght Timmerz. Ah not sayin nuttin bout it
Me either Buddy MOL

Me and Fitz spent the night at the kissing booth
It was meowvelous my little buttercup

Oh Toby you dear handsome tomcat

We also want to wish our dear Miss Fitz a very
Happy Gotcha Day!

Have a Great Day of Love Friends!

Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Miss Fitz
Mr Buttons
Dad Pete