Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Happy Birthday Buddy Budd

Hey frenz, welcome to mah 16teenth Birthdayz!
We got lotsa gud gud guddies so eat big like Big Buddy Budd doez! 

Furst ah gotta shut my eyes cuz da fambly gonna show ya my Birfday Card. Ah a bit nervouz bout dis!

Ah don't knowin whut ta sayz! Ah, sniff, lovin you'z all tooz!
Buddy we are all so glad you are a part of our family
Here, here, yes we are!
Buddy you are our Big Blue Boy
You are such fun to have to play with

You bet! I like watching you whack Toby
Stop it Rumpy. Buddy, you are the best

Thanky Thanks, sniff, can ah git a tissuez

How about we break out the Noms Buddy
You Betcha Timmerz

Dad ya made me an Kali a Bacon Sammich
I have plenty more big fellow
Yer da best Dad. Eat up Kali mah sweet
Buddy I love you my Blue Fellow

Shucks, ah love ya too mah sweet Flame Point Purrty Gal

Dezi Sendin me dis Card. Thanky Thanks Dezi an Fambly

To start off we have your favorite
Frens have sum NIP ta git yer appertitien goin!

We have fresh Mackerel

We have Salmon Pate for those who prefer it.
Gud gud gud Timmyz

And every cats favorite, real live dead shrimps
Wowzer, whut can diz cat sayz 

We have a fresh Turkey
Yummy fur sure

And Sticky Buns fur dessert! Buddy, enjoy your day!
Ah shur will! Frenz dig in wit me

*Buddy takes Kali to her special spot and serves her Bacon and Shrimps*

We are  so happy you are here to help Buddy Enjoy this very special birthday. Purrs dear friends

Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd - Blue of the Week!
Kali - Flame Point of the Week!
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Miss Fitz
Mr Buttons
Dad Pete

Monday, January 30, 2017

Toby Gets an Urge!

Hi Friends. Stop by tomorrow for 
Buddy's 16th birthday

What are you doing Toby? We were playing ball roll.
Sorry Einie, I have an... urge...

Be careful. Those can be dangerous!
I'm sure this one isn't

Dad I had an urge for a head rub
Why sure thing Toby

Mmm, oh Dad this is very nice


A little on the top please

Toby did you know you make funny faces when you get a rub
Will you protect my image as Most Handsome Cat in the World?
Of Course
I do make funny faces don't I MOL
Sure do LOL

Toby Tomcat, MHCitW - Cat with an urge!
Dad Pete 

Friday, January 27, 2017

Friday with Fitz: Blue Sky Flies High, Almost

Hey Buddy Budd. Is Blue Sky ready fur more?

Whut-Cha sayin Blue Skiez. Can ya handle Miss Fitzy?
*Puff Puff*
You cats have nothing on Blue Sky! Bring it on!

Come on Fitz lets see what ya got
Oh really!


What do you say now Sky?
I can handle anyth...

I was waiting fur you to say that!

Arrgghhh, Nooo!!!

Whew, I have had enough Miss Fitz
I bow to your wild side

Because I defer to your hunting prowess?

No! Because you taste Awful!

Nothing purrsonal Sky. Just the way it is
Not taken that way. In fact, I am a bit relieved. I don't have
to worry about being eaten in the night LOL.

MOL, Purrs my friend
Thanks Fitz

Buddy Budd
Miss Fitz - The Winnah!
Blue Sky

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Rumpy's Fine Feetz

Tim I am going to keep my feet nice and clean like you do
*Snuffle, Likity-Lick*

Hey Buddy check me out! What do you think of my toes?
Leavin me lone Rumperz!

Well, I guess showing is better than meowing about it

Ewwww, I got a nasty something!

Meow! I am almost finished with this feetz.
*Lick, Lick, Lick*

Cat Oh Cat three more to go. Yuck. I better check if it is worth it
Hey Buddy! Check out my nice clean Feetz!
Shuddup You Face! I'm sleepin.
Well that's it for the feetz. What next? Any Suggestions?

Dad what do you think of my fine clean feetz?
Rumpy they are really, as you say fine! That said I really, really like all the fun you have been having running and jumping with Color Tail. You really got air this morning. 3 feet at least.
I sure did. I feel much better lately and am breathing easy.
And you have been a trooper taking your inhaler and steroids.
Aw, shucks...
Rumpy I love you even though you can be really exasperating
Isn't that a cats purrogative Dad
Yes it is Rumpy Bump, yes it is

Timmy Tomcat

Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots

Monday, January 23, 2017

Wild Toby

Hi friends how are you, oh...
Excuse me but my savage side says I have to Run Wild!

Gotcha Mousie!
Whats next?
*Toby Zooms Off*

Whacked you squishie ball!
Whats Next?

*Toby Zooms Off*

Checked out the window, Booring
Whats Next?

*Toby Zooms Off*

Who's sleeping by the TV that I can chase off?
Darn no cat. 
Whats Next?*Toby Zooms Off*

Well looks like things have settled down

But I haven't.
Stand back as I get ready to...
Zoom Off to my next adventure

Toby Tomcat - Our Wild Kitty

Sunday, January 22, 2017

Selfie Sunday: Rumpy Bump Stumpnots

We are joining our fellow Bloggers having fun with
The Cat on my Head: Sunday Selfies

Dad visited his friends on Christmas Eve. Look at the great t-shirt one of our hosts was wearing. Needless to say the nights topic of conversation was, what  else, Cats!
They gave us some very nice toys and I was chosen to
be "Furst" with this fun goodie.

Here I am after my Chase-Catch and Kill.
Color Tail did not stand a chance.
Rumpy I gave you a freebie and...
Color Tail this is MY post alright. We will play later on
Alright already, geez-o-tailio
Thank Mew. Goodness these Cat Toys demand a lot MOL

I was so happy afterwards I asked Dad to snap my
Purrfect Pose. I am very handsome all the time but I felt very
Man Cattish. I was right after the

Just look at the Energy pouring out of my eyes!
What a Cat! I mean Wow! I am really Special! Yes!
Now quickly go to the top of the blog and click on
Rumpy's Self Help!
Very informative and quite inexpensive. 

Rumpy Bump Stumpnots - *Self Help Guru*

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Mr Buttons 6th Got-Cha Day!

Calling !l Cats!
Calling All Cats!
We have a Special Announcement!

Happy 6th Got-Cha Day Mr Buttons!

Oh My Cat! I had furgotten! Meow-Wow!

Dad what do you have to say to our little Brofur

Mr B I knew when you came to us as a little foster you
were a special kitty. You were full of energy and loved to play. When the family who adopted you brought you back because
you had FIV it was so unfair. I knew right then we would give you a forever home of your own.
When I saw you had come to pick me up I felt so good!
Love You Dad

Love you little fellow

Now lets get this Pawty Started

I baked you a cake Buttons. It has Nip Icing
Thanks Rumpy. No charge?
MOL Not for my pal B

For your pawty I mixed up these super tasty Niptinis.
I put these mousies out because I remember how much you
liked them when we were in the foster room together!
What a great idea Miss Fitz. You are the best sisfur ever!
Don't I know it MOL

I like to stay healthy so I brought nice fresh milk
Mmmm the paws that refreshes Toby, Thanks!

Ah knowin dis a speshul day fur ya lil'pal so ah brung 
Lobsta! Cooked to purrfectionz too
Buddy Budd my mouth is watering Thank Mew
I made up 2 fur ya B... Yessir ah did

Hi Buttons. I cooked up some nice Filets. They are so juicy and good. I made them rare just like you like them.
They smell and look super Einstein. Thank You brofur of mine

I have been cooking Bacon all morning so we can top our
plates up right. Happy Got-Cha Day Mr Buttons!
Timmy I know you and Dad put this together.  Thanks

I want to thank my wonderful family and all our dear friends who are here to help me enjoy my 6th Got-Cha Day. My time flies when you live with a great family. Love you all!

We Love You Too MButtons!

Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Miss Fitz
Mr Buttons
Dad Pete