Friday, December 2, 2016

Come Fly with Us Sammy

Sammy come on with us to a great place to spend some
time with Good Friends

The Grand Canyon of Pennsylvania 
and the
Penn Wells Hotel

Sammy we have a room reserved at the Penn Wells Hotel
It was built in 1869 and restored in the 1920's
Our Buddy Budd and his gal Kali will be your guides!

Sammy mah fren ah gonna git us signed up. Kali yoo
gonna likin our roomz.
Tee Hee, Oh Buddy!
Thanks, Big Blue
Yessir, Many Toez

Sammy ah shur liken  da old woodwerkin.
By da by I asked Sundae to come along

Hi Sammy my dear
Sundae! This is a great surprise my sweet. Thanks Buddy
Buddy you are sooo sweet
Thanky Kali dearezt

Any cat Hongreyz?
Yes! You Bet! 

Oh Garciono can ya git da led out! We Hongry fur brunchez!

Buddy you are such a Man-Cat... Tee Hee
Dey gotta nicez Smore-gustatories-board fur dinna, Kali. 
We be back fur dat too
Just us two Buddy
Uf coursez my Kali Gal

Deze gaz-lightz lookin nicer. Da town iz very friendly
to catz too. Veree impawtent when ya travel.
Now we headin ta,  what else
Da Gran Canyan uf Pennsilvanee, Whoo-Eee!

Dis walk iz nize. Now da whole uf da Canyan is viewzablez ta us
Look how far you can see!
Amazing view fur-sure!
This is purrfect my Buddy Budd, Tee Hee

Now lookee at dis!
Oh My Cat!

Thank You Ann of Zooaltry for Sammy's Badge
We will give it place of Honor Furever!

Sammy dis be a big Bloggin Hop and we knowed ya gotta visitin but stop back and me and Kali will be here fur ya. Yoo da bes lovin fren EVA!
You bet Sammy. This is your special day and all of the blog-o-sphere and us love you so very much!
We sure do Sammy!
You Bet! I... Choke... Sammy I love you!
Oh Sammmy... Sniff, Sniff... Please come to visit on your beautiful Angel Wings!
Sammy you never got upset with me when I was bad. You showed me how to put the right paw furward. I will keep trying my friend
Love you and those great big floofy feet Sammy
Sammy I will listen for you in my dreams. Love you
Sammy thanks for visiting and please come back anytime. We will leave some Angel Food Cake for you on Christmas.

Sammy lives at One Spoiled Cat
Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Kali lives at Canadian Cats
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Miss Fitz
Mr Buttons


Clowie said...

Wow! You did Sammy proud - those views are amazing!

Summer at said...

That was an awesome tour!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That was a lovely tour with amazing views. Sammy will have loved it.

Mara said...

Oh wow, there must be a lot of mice in that Grand Canyon! We want to go there now as well.

Mara, Brom and Miss Oswin from Norway

Fozziemum said...

What a fabulous tour guys and a Grand one like your Canyon..we think Sammy had a blast indeed..loves Fozziemum xx

My Mind's Eye said...

OH MY Cats this is such a beautiful post and so funny too. Well done. WE know how much Sam loved laughing..right know I hear him saying he has fallen over MOLing and cannot get up.
We especially loved the conversation with Sam at the end...
Sammy's big fluffy polydactyls have left love prints all over my heart and mom's
Hugs madi your bfff

Brian's Home Blog said...

That was most wonderful gang!

John Bellen said...

What a beautiful journey. I love the outdoors scenes especially. Some wonderful memories for Sammy to take on his journey to the Bridge. You are good friends.

CATachresis said...

Totally stunning views!! Sammy will have loved it! Such a bittersweet day! We will miss our buddy so much! xx

The Florida Furkids said...

That was a super tour! We know Sammy loved it. We miss Sammy a lot.

The Florida Furkids

Anonymous said...

Mee-you what a pawtastick time you showed mee Unccle Sammy Timmy an thee hole gang!!! Yur all so pawsum an mee knows Unccle had thee best time!!!!
**Hi-5'sss** Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

Jans Funny Farm said...

What a fun day visiting and eating together. We're not sure where the grand canyon of PA is, but it is beautiful.

We can't help feeling sad for Sammy's family today. We didn't know this would be his send-off tour.

Mariodacat said...

What a great place to visit. The Grand Canyon of PA is breathtaking in the fall. I'm sure Sammy loved the trip!

Mariodacat said...

Thanks for visiting the pages of my bloggy. I'm happy your sibling isn't having a problem being toothless either. My D says to tell your D by all means take an art class when he retires. It's great fun and keeps you painting once a week anyway. D can't paint anymore because he has Parkinson's and shakes too much - so he had to give it up. But he really enjoyed it the 10+ years he did it. Check at your local tech school and see if they offer such a thing, or check at a local college, etc.

pilch92 said...

I am sure Sammy enjoyed the day you planned for him. The blogosphere and scouts will never be the same without him :(

Anonymous said...

Wonderfur experience for Sammy, Kali and Sundae. We enjoyed the whole visit...thanks Einstein and family.

Shoko and mom Jean

Anonymous said...

Gee whiz, mom is out to nowhere...she meant Buddy. Buddy is lookin pretty good too.

Anonymous said...

Dat was very sweet of ya'll. And what a wonderful visit ya'll had. Big hugs fur all.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Raena

Sharon said...

Sammy saw the world in style! <3

Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat (Katherine Kern) said...

That's a beautiful tour! I especially love the canyon! I had no idea it was there!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! What a beautiful spot on Earth you all live in....I had no idea you had your very own Grand Canyon either! A real surprise to see Sundae there too. Our rooms were so nice at the hotel AND the food was amazing. You all really know how to conduct a fabulous tour indeed. The Blog Hop has been so very wonderful and I've loved every minute of it. You and your whole family are very special to me. I mean that.

Love and hugs to everyone, Angel Sammy

Marvelous Marv said...

Such a wonderful visit and so bittersweet!
Sending yous loves

Dash Kitten Crew said...

Oh what a trip, and what a view!! You guys had such a good time!!

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

What a furtastic flight your area, you showed to Sammy! Little sweet Angel Sammy...sob...
He sure did love to get about in the great world of ours. We bet he is still visiting places, flying in on angel wings now.

You all did him proud!