Sammy P of 15 and Meowing is our Flat Cat Scout guest this week
Hi Sammy
Hello Miss Fitz
Did you have a nice week?
I Sure did.
We are going to do Friendly Fill-Ins: Week 15
I will get to join in. How cool is that.
By the way, Mom sent you some get well Nippy Toys to help heal up your missing Toothie. There is a little issue though...
Yes, we know about Ol'Nip Head MOL
I just have to Whiffie you a bit Sammy. Hope you don't mind It is a fine old cat tradition Fitz. Whiffie away |
*Whiffie* Hee Hee Hee that tickles |
Mmmm you really have a great cat scent Sammy *Blush* If I wasn't a Flat Cat... *Blush* |
He still has your Nippy Toy! Timmy You Nippy Toy Napper you! He looks dazed and in the Grip of the Nip fur sure *Whiffie Snorfle Snuffle* |
I know how to get him to let go. Timmy, your toesies are awful They need attention Right Now
*Lickity Lick Lick* He didn't even hear you He puts toesie cleanliness furst so he is way gone. He did this the other week with our Nip Nanner |
We have to keep an eye out fur when he comes up fur air MOL *Grrruffle* |
*Whifity Whiff Whiff* What say we get to the Friendly Fill Ins Sounds good Miss Fitz |
1. When I run out of __Treats, I use, Friskies Grillers__ instead.
2. My guru is _Buddy Budd_
3. I am afraid of Spiders .
4. I feel empowered When I alone get to supervise the house. Dad goes away for a few days and I step right up. Meow
Your turn. Let us know your Fill Ins by visiting:
Thanks Miss Fitz
Think nothing of it Sammy
Sammy P
Miss Fitz