Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Plumb Tuckered Out

Please send purrs to Rudy. The post is here and on the left top of the blog. Thank Mew!


I am taking a little rest after our big weekend at the Cat Scouts
Cardwood Derby. Maybe Einstein can tell you more about it.

Take it away Einstein... take it away Einstein..
Um... Einstein are you with us?

Let me give him a little pet to wake him up Timmy
Thanks Dad

MOL, the little fellow seems to be in dreamland
I am going to get back to the business at hand.
Please see how you can help us get to the finish line below

Please go to my FaceBook page and Like the Photos of our car.
Each Like we get moves us closer to a WIN! YAY!
You can get there by clicking Here

This has been so much fun. From our FaceBook page you can also go to Cat Scouts and see all the great entries. Like ours though! 
PS Stop by tomorrow for a really fun post. Shh, its a secret.

Timmy Tomcat
Dad Pete


The Swiss Cats said...

Wow, that's a pawsome car ! Purrs

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood....we due knot haza face book page ...can we vote another kinda way !! ?? ♥♥♥

Anonymous said...

Afur LadyMum had to ree-set her Passwerdss wee gotted on to yur FB page an did sum LIKIN there Timmy Tomkat!!!! Wee want you an Unccle Sammy to win!!!! Zoom zoom zoom.....
**nose bumpsss** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxx

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a great car. I went to FB and liked it.

Lone Star Cats said...

Dat car are pawsome!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, looks like Einstein is really out of it...MOL I know the feeling Einstein. We love your car and liked it on your facebook page. Excellent work everyone.

Nose Rubs,

Shoko and Kali

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Zonked!! Hard work can do that, MOL!!
Hope you do well with your entry!

meowmeowmans said...

Your car is so cool! We liked your picture on Facebook! :)

Summer at said...

Wow, there are a LOT of great entries... I want to vote for them all!

Unknown said...

Timmers and Einstein, you were right to rest. You need to get ready to cross the finish line!! Great car.

Katie Isabella said...

I have voted but If they let me I'll do it again!