Thursday, December 31, 2015

Buddy Budd's Gotcha Day!

*The Family all sneak up on Buddy and let go a loud:*


Whut? Oh mah kitty katz izzit dat timer alreadyz? Aww Thanky Thankz evfurry one
You betcha Buddy. It was Mew Years Eve 2008. Dad met you at 930pm and then introduced you to me and Toby.
Its your 8th anniversary of coming to your real home big fellow.
Ah ain't so big no more...
You will always be our Big Buddy Budd!
You betcha my favorite wrestle partner
Aww... shucks...
You have been here longer than most of us
You were nice to me from my first day here Buddy. I love you.
I remember seeing you as this big huge cat. Then you said hello and treated me like part of the family. You are a great cat Buddy.
Thanky guyz and gal.
Buddy its time to get this Pawty Started so before I get the noms let me show you who came to visit

KALI!! Oh Dad Thanky sooo muches!
Sweetums Kali deerest I so glad yoo could visitin!

Tee-Hee, I thought you would like the surprise my big blue boy!
Oh yez. Now no picature while we kissy.


Oh Buddy...
Oh Kali... 
Oh Buddy...
Oh Kal...
Umm Dad maybe its time to serve some drinks befur the ice melts, MOL 
Ha Ha you bet Timmy. Buddy let me introduce our other guests and then I will serve up the noms!
Gee Dad who else is...

OMC! Hi Nibbler. I am so glad to see you.
Hi Timmy. I wanted to bring in the Mew Year with you.
We can head fur Cat Scouts after Buddies Pawty.


This is so much fun. I have two more guests to introduce. Einstein come on over her my floofy kitty. 

Wow Dad... Hi Shoko,  hello Mango. What a surprise.
Einstein I had to come see my Floofy Man Cat
Oh Shoko let me get you a Niptini and some noms.
Hello dere Mango. Glad ta be meetin da Cat Scout pals of my brofurs. 
Hi Buddy, Hello Einstein

Alright Cats here come the Noms and Drinks
OMG Dad, it all lookin gooood...

First a special Blue Niptinis for Buddy and Kali 

Every furs favorite, Niptinis and Nip Mousies

Plenty of Fat Cat Beer 

Now for the food We have Surf

And Turf 

With Tuna Cakes for a bit of Fin

And Fried Chick-Hen 

Alright my little furries I am heading into the bedroom so have fun!
Thanky Dad, you da bestest
Purrs to rest by
Thank Mew for getting our furends and gal pals 

Shoko it is wonderful to have you here
I love being here my floofy fellow. The Niptini is purrfect

That was a great meal Mango. Lets work on this nip
Sounds good Timmy

I am havin da best of da best GotCha Dayz ever wit yoo here Kali
Thank you Buddy. I really love being with you my blue beau
Awww, ah blushin and luv it luv it

Frendz, Roamin and Country Kittahs, lendin me'z yer listnin!
Stay long az ya likez and havva good timez. Grab a cushin an sleep over  if ya want. An one last thingie...


Buddy Budd
Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Rumpy Bump
Mr Buttons
Miss Fitz
Dad Pete


Christy Paws said...

Happy gotcha day, Buddy Budd! What a great party.

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

Hello Buddy!
Buddy Bud!
Happy Gotcha Day to YOU!!

What fun is going on in your den! And even kitty visitors, way cool! So much fun to have your Gotcha Day at the same time the New Year comes in...cause your Gotcha Day was the start of your new life, wasn't it?!

Happy Mew Year!!

Lone Star Cats said...

Happy Gotcha Day!

Summer at said...

Happy gotcha day, Buddy! What an awesome party!!!

Clooney said...

Happy Gotcha Day to my dear pal and twin Buddy Budd! Hope your day is awesome and what a great party you have thrown! Happy New Year to the whole crew and Dad Pete, we wish you a 2016 filled with health, peace, love and prosperity!

Fuzzy Tales said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Buddy, and a very happy new year to you all!

Purrs and peace.

Vonn said...

Happy Gotcha Day Buddy from me and Nibbler.. and Nibbler was very glad to be included in your little party <3

The Swiss Cats said...

Happy Gotcha Day Buddy ! Best wishes for 2016 and Happy Mew Year ! Purrs

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Gotcha Day Buddy Budd and Happy New Years Eve everyone!

John Bellen said...

You came home on New Year's Eve, Buddy? Good timing! What a great life you've lived since - and will continue to live! Happy new year, everyone!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy Gotcha Day Buddy! This is a great party. Happy New Year to all of you.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

dood...thanx for hostin a most rockin awesum partee....for give uz that we pazzed on BURD....happee gotcha day two ewe & heerz ta 80 mor !! hope popz getted ewe that 2016 CATalac ya haz been wantin & heerz two a yeer a head filled with happee nezz & health...all sew..a most happee healthee new yeer two ewe all, heerz two an emperor bream......hillstreet loach.....kinda week oh end !!! ♥♥♥


Happy Gotcha Day Buddy!
Happy Mew Year's Eve!

The Island Cats said...

Wow, a double celebration...New Year's Eve AND Buddy's Gotcha Day! Have a Happy One!

Anonymous said...

Oh Meow Happy Gotchaday Buddy. We know yous day's gunna be purrfect. We purray da New year bwings lots of blessings, health and luv to you all. Sis Lexi and me will boff have sum of dat turf ifin ya' not mind and weez brought by sum of da vine. Silvervine dat is. MOL Happy New Year to you all.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

Unknown said...

Great pawty, gang! Lucky you, Buddy Bud, finding a wonderful home and fursibs!! Have a very Happy Mew Year, all of you.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

What a great day to be "gotted!!" Happy Happy Gotcha Day and what a pawesome pawty!! xoxo Happy New Year too! catchatwithcarenandcody

Kitties Blue said...

Happy Gotcha Day Buddy Budd. This is a great party you rfamily has put on for you. The lobster is lip-licking good as are the drinks. Things are still pretty quiet at Scouts, so Mau will be hanging out with the rest of us for a while. Our Mom sends kisses to you. happy New Year to everyone. May it be blessed. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

pilch92 said...

Happy Gotcha Day Buddy Budd- that is quite a party.

Anonymous said...

Buddy Budd....what a surprise.....we didn't realize a Gotcha Day of yours was here. No mistake for next year, mom has a planner so she has no excuse. I love to cuddle with my big blue are my hero Buddy, did you know that. No other kitty makes me feel the way you do. Come, I will be your pillow as you have a bit of Turf and I'll try the Surf. *raises her Fat Cat beer*'s to you Buddy.

Kitty Kisses,


Anonymous said...

Buddy, I wish you all the best food and drink in the up coming year and hope you and Kali find lotsa time together. You make Kali feel like a kitten again so whatever you're doing is going down well with us.



Anonymous said...

Happy GOTCHA Buddy Budd and HAPPY NEW YEAR everybody! Looks like you had a nice party with your "besties".........Enjoy.........

Hugs, Sammy

meowmeowmans said...

Buddy, we are late getting here, but we wish you a most excellent Gotcha Day, because you are excellent!

And Happy New Year to all. May it be filled with love, peace and much joy!

truongmuunghenhan said...

Thanks for sharing, nice post! Post really provice useful information!

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