Wednesday, September 30, 2015

We have Flat Cat Guests! Wheeee!

It is so exciting to have our Cat Scout friends come to visit!
You bet Einstein Christy Paws, Ali, and Dezi just arrived. We welcomed them and don't you know Buddy Budd took them right out for some fun.

Hello Christy, Ali, Dezi. I hope your trip went well.

Safe and sound at our house.

Hello evfurry kitty

Buddy ran right down to be a part of the fun.

I was watching him but he snuck a whisker kiss to each of our lady cat guests. They all love big Buddy Budd.

As Buddy was the only one of us who was flat he could take the ladies out for a treat. He snuck them some Triple Chocolate Cheesecake that Dad brought home.

Then he showed them the start of our beautiful PA fall colors. They are a bit early this year.

He showed them the huge tree that was growing next to our car port. Dad just had 4 big trees taken down. 

Then it was time for hide and seek in the bush. Can you see how many kitties are hiding?

I can't wait to see what happens next Timmy!
Me either Einstein. If you do not belong you should visit Cat Scouts and join up. There are lots of fun things to do 

Timmy Tomcat


Lola The Rescued Cat said...

Oh my stars, this is pawtastic. Mommy has to let us join the Cat Scouts!

The Swiss Cats said...

What fun ! We counted four kitties in the tree. That was really a big tree ! Purrs

Katie Isabella said...

TIMMY! How wonderful to have your guests, If mommy only knew how to do that, I would visit too. Oh and marmalade ginger kitties are just the handsomest of all! My brother in law is a handsome Ginger cat after all. He married our Admiral. She went to the Bridge later but they are married forever.

Anonymous said...

Hi Einey,
You guys sure have the visitors. Timmy, you are such a bundle of fun. Now BuddyKali wants you to treat the ladies with respect. She says a whisker kiss is ok but none of this romantical stuff....ok?
Einey I long to be with you again but we have been most fortunate.


da tabbies o trout towne said...

guys...knot onlee iz that a burd free tree; itza awesum way kewl lookin tree & we see 92 catz hidin :) ♥♥♥

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Looks like Buddy had lots of fun showing the Flat Cats around.

Anonymous said...

Oh Meow Timmy Einstein and Buddy, fank you fur showin' us such a pawsum time. Weez weally enjoyed dat nommy chocolate cheesecake. Fanks Buddy. Weez can't wait to see more. Have fun, me knows meez flat, Izzy will.

Luv ya'

Dezi and Lexi

pilch92 said...

I see 4 cats in the bush :) My Sammy wants to visit when he returns from this round of trips. The tooth fairy sent out a package to Mr. Buttons yesterday, I hope it gets there tomorrow.

The Island Cats said...

What a good time the flats are having!

Timmy Tomcat said...

Shoo sweet at least we are flat together which will hold my heart till we can get to see each other in the fur once again!

Timmy Tomcat said...

Izzy is a purrfect house guest Dezi. We are having a ball

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

You kitties are such great hosts!

Anonymous said...

Wow you sure have a house full there Timmy!!!
Have fun with all yur 'Flat Katss'!
Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=