Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Einsteins Cat Scout Swag Pawty Part I

Hewwo to all my pals. 
Timmy says I can tell evfuwwy kitty about all the gweat swag I gotted fwum going on a Quest with my Cat Scout fuwends.
Here is my cool badge fur going on the Quest

We hiked and camped in tents and had great campfire noms and smowes. It waz great.

Fun huh, and, I won a weally cool Flewon Signaler. 
Thank Mew Denmaster!
Cat Scouts and Human Scouts use this
to learn how to send messages.

There is a switch where you can change
the sound or use the blinker
Dad Pete: This came in the original box with instructions inside. I really love antiques and this will have a place of honor in our home. Thanks Denmaster!

Oh My Cat! Dad there is mowe in here!

Wow-Meow! Denmaster included some official
Cat Scout Bugle twaining books

I waz the Buglemaster fur Wally's Wawwiors. Click my picture to hear how I woke the Scouts up with Weveille. If you cannot see my video the link is Here

I can really blow a bugle. It was so much fun.
We had to compete with other Cat Scout Dens in diffuwent challenges like decoding Semaphowe and Mowse code. 
Can you decode a Mowse message?

Pwease come back tomowwow to see the answer to the message and mowe fun.
You should come by Cat Scouts and join up. Tell Denmaster Einstein sent you.
Einstein Kit Scout


Summer at said...

Wow, how cool is all that?!

Cats Herd You said...

They teach you Mowse code in Cat Scouts? That sounds like fun!

The Swiss Cats said...

Really cool ! I cannot believe that you're learning Mowse code : are they planning to turn you into a mariner ? Purrs

A Tonl said...

MOWSE code?? We'd be able to decipher anything any mouses write! WAY COOL!

da tabbies o trout towne said...

medium all most large dood Einstein !!! how kewl iz thiz !! ya did a way awesum job on lee better than a stooooooooooooopid rood caca droppin roozter who doez knot even keep up with day lite savins time, bug infested ess oh

sorree...we hada moe mint

N we think yur message

deer kittehs knead mor toyz and while yur at it sum mega food bowls wood be nice two sew ...then therez a few werds we canna make out kleer lee...

signed a mouz named mickey


MOWSE code wow Einstein that is incredible!

Anonymous said...

You really are into scouting :-) WOW

Brian's Home Blog said...

WOW! That is so cool! Hey, maybe they should call it Morris Code since Morris was a cat!

Anonymous said...

This is sooo cute...and adventurous :) Pawkiss :)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Concats on winning that swag Einstein. You are a very good cat scout.

Katie Isabella said...

Oh EINSTEIN! I loved all there swag and you playing revile (we can't spell it) You are a great Cat Scout. And a DEN Master too!!!

Marty the Manx said...

Great swag Einstein! You are doing great as part of Cat Scouts! Very impressed indeed!
Marty and Mom

Unknown said...

Those are really great photos, Scout Einstein! We are super-duper happy that you liked the swag! [salute]

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

WOW! What an amazin' haul. You must be an AMAZIN' Scout, for sure.


PS. I really liked your bugleling. That a word? Hmmm... I wonder how it's spelled.

Anonymous said...

You's a Pawsum Cat Scout Einstein. And yous did a wunnewful job on da quest. ConCatulations on eawnin' yous badge. Hav a Pawsum evenin'!!

Luv and Hugs and Kitty Kisses :)


The Island Cats said...

Einstein, you are the best bugler! I'm so happy you're part of Wally's Warriors!

*salutes* Wally

meowmeowmans said...

You're a pawsome Cat Scout, Einstein! Does your message say "Thanks Denmaster and Wally"?

Kitties Blue said...

Timmy, how sweet of you to let Einstein post about his adventure. It was such much participating in the Quest with him. Purrs, Scout Mau

Anonymous said...

Teh coveted signaler WIF BATTERIES! How cool! And i has to say, you were the best and most bugle happy bugeler EVAR, Little E! It was an honor being in teh patrol wif yoo.



The Florida Furkids said...

You're such a great Kit Scout and are going to be a pawsome Cat Scout! Your bugle skills are amazing too!!!

Scout Raz and Scout Allie and The Florida Furkids

Sushi said...

Einstein, you're a very cute and great Kit Scout! That package is way cool!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Such a fun quest we all had yes! I love your post and the write up about our advantures. Congratulation on winning the Signaler. When you are done learning the Morse Code you could play with the light that is blinking away. You look so cute in your uniform. I think your Morse Code message is: Thanks Denmaster and Wally. Salute

Anonymous said...

Einstein, you are a way kewl Kit Scout and will be an awesome Cat Scout. Your revile was astounding as you are my friend. You look very mature in your uniform. You deserve the gifts from Denmaster. *Salute* Shoko

katsrus said...

I am so proud of you. You did a great job. Pretty cool swag.

Anonymous said...

Yow such grrreat stuff Einstein!!! Well dun!
Ya iz leernin Meowse Code?? We iz impurressed!!
N kitteh can ya blow a bugle!!!
Woooooo weeeeee yer amazin!
We iz just so eggcited fer ya....
Can ya tell??
All da !!!!!!! we iz typin.....
Lub Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum xoxoxo

Kitty Cat Chronicles said...

Very cool, Einstein! You sure are good at blowing that bugle! Concatulations on winning that neat signaler.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

That is really cool Einstein !
Me haven´t been around Cat Scouts lately :(
I sure hope my mom-person will help me now that she has some day´s off work :)