Friday, August 16, 2013

Friends on Friday Support Needed

Hi Furends:

We really love the way the CB helps out when there is a need so we wanted to do our share to spread the word.

Our Ms Fitz has joined a great new club called The Ladies of Autumn. One of the members was from a great group called The Scratching Post cat rescue. They sure need support and may be facing CLOSURE! This would be sad as they sound like a great group. We kicked in a bit of our treat allowance and made a donation by PayPal right from their website. Or you could go to the eBay auction listed below. Even if you cannot give a donation Purrs of support are greatly appreciated.

Now we want to Meow Out about another really impawtent event. The Uncle MaxMaxx Auction. Seems Maxx needed emergency surgery. He is doing well and may be home by Monday but we all know how stressful this can be. It can also be equivalent to a big huge pile of treats. Hope you check out the auction. Maybe you wll even bid on what we are donating. See you there! 

PS You can also use the PayPal button on our bloggie to donate to Maxx. 
Timmy Tomcat


Brian's Home Blog said...

Dang, I don't know if I submitted my comment or not, but you are so kind to help The Scratching Post and we sure hope Uncle MaxMaxx gets lots of green papers too.


Timmy this is fabulous and we are glad you are helping Uncle MaxMaxx we hope he gets lots and lots and lots of those green fings.

Kitties Blue said...

So nice of you to promote these two exceptionally good causes. Mom has put in some bids at the Uncle MaxMaxx auction. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

Gigi said...

I made the Human bid at the Uncle Maxx auction cause I KNOW she needs this stuff! You are a good kitty to help!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Aww, so nice of you guys to promote all these good causes!

The Furries of Whisppy said...

There are some really great things at the auction! We hope to have more time this weekend to really check them all out. Thanks for contributing to the auction!

Iris Carden said...

Hello Timmy,

This is Bumpy from (I'm on Mum's account so you mightn't recognise me). Thanks for stopping by. Yes, the Feline Pawty really does appreciate overseas support. Hopefully, once we beat the humans in Australia, we cats can take over the world, one country at a time. Then things will be much better for everyone!

Tamago said...

It is so great of you to help friends! I placed a bid on auction...hope it will help.
Happy weekend xoxo

Cathy Keisha said...

Times are bad for many kitties and their humans. I'm trying to figure out how to help The Hotties' Typist who's bills are piling up. I've bid on a couple of items. Two paws up for helping your furrends.

Kjelle Bus aka Charlie Rascal said...

So nice of you to promote these two exceptionally good causes !
Me has 2 items that you can bid on in the auction for MaxMaxx :)

Ingrid said...

It's so nice to know that everywhere in the world there are people who help kitties !

meowmeowmans said...

Those are both great ways to help some friends! Thank you for your kindness and compassion -- we hope lots of green papers get raised for the Scratching Post and Uncle MaxMaxx!

Angel Gracie=^o.o^= said...

Thanks for letting us know about the help needed. I have just come from the auction and next must check out The Ladies of Autumn.

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

So great of you to help Uncle MaxMaxx. I'm tweetin' and sharin' your blog post with the information. Gotta get the word out!


Anonymous said...

I bid for Uncle MaxMaxx I wish I knew how to help efurryone...sigh

A Tonk's Tail said...

Fanks for telling us about the Scraching Post - we'll get mommy to go to ebay and drag out her plastic card thingy!