Monday, April 30, 2018

#ChewyInfluencer: Dr. Elsey's cleanprotein Salmon Formula Dry Cat Food

As many of you know we are fortunate to be a part of the #ChewyInfluencer network of Pet Bloggers. We review products  objectively to help you make an informed decision in deciding if you want to try them.

Today we are reviewing something you can get your claws into:

Grain Free and lookit that Protein! Wow!

From Chewy:
The proof is in the protein with Dr. Elsey's cleanprotein Salmon Formula Grain-Free Dry Cat Food. Inspired by the protein levels found in natural prey, this pate optimizes your cat’s appetite and body mass through simple, high quality ingredients. Including real salmon as the first ingredient, as well as plenty of vitamins and minerals, the idea is to promote a healthy and active lifestyle for all cats—because the right diet can go a long way in satisfying your cat’s appetite and keeping him feeling great.

Key Benefits
Over 90% of protein is animal-based to promote a healthy body mass and a satisfied appetite.
Primary ingredients are among the highest biological value proteins available.
Lower glycemic formula delivers just 4% of energy from carbohydrates.
Ingredient profile is no-to-low oxalate to help prevent calcium oxalate crystals and bladder stones.
100% grain, gluten and filler free in a smooth pate formula that’s full of vitamins and minerals like taurine and 

So what do we think of this Dry Cat Food:

On One, Two... Hey no one waited
Nom Nom Nom
Nom Nom Nom
Nom Nom Nom
Nom Nom Nom

Me-Wow this is good!
Good Toby?
You betcha Einie!

Fitz what do you think?
Sorry. I want my Wet Noms

Buddy how do you like it?
Don'tz be botherin Buddy Budd
He Eatin!
Nom Nom Nom

So there you have it. The proof is in the eating
5 paws up

We received the Dr Elseys Clean Protein Salmon Formula Dry Cat Food:  from Chewy at no cost for our honest and unbiased opinion. 

Chewys has has free shipping on orders $49.00 and over and flat rate shipping on other orders. We are enrolled in the Auto-Ship program that sends us our chosen products when we want them. We can cancel or add things to Auto-Ship at any time. It is so convenient.

We thank Chewy for including us in the #ChewyInfluencer program and look furward to giving our unbiased opinion of Diffurent Cat Products.

Tomcat Home Spokes Cat: Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Miss Fitz

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Sunday Selfie: Handsome Toby

Please visit The Cat on My Head to see all our pals
Great Selfies

Hi Friends. That Sleek, Shiny Furred and Very Handsome
House Panfur Toby here.
I know I did a Sunday Selfie a couple of weeks ago, but...
It showed that Anomaly: My White Whisker

As I wait fur that tiny, insignificant, minuscule thing to fall out...
Here is my True Visage in all its Handsomeness!
Hey Toby, you are going white on your left too! 
What? No! That is only a trick of the light
Err, alright dood

Toby Tomcat
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots

Friday, April 27, 2018

Friday with Fitz: Mice Cream

Dad, Ooo Dad, Daaaad, Dad Dad Dad Dad Dad
What Rumpy?

Is that, you know, good, tasty, yummy in the tummy
Yes you can have a taste alright

*Slurp, Lickity, Nom, Slurp*
Hi Dad, may I have a little, please

Sure thing Princess
Thank Mew. I love Mice Cream
*Dainty Licks*

Ooo a little prize ♬ 🎶

Hey I want some of that!
Rumpy, your nose just healed up from Fitz whaps
Awww Daaaaaaad

Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Miss Fitz
Dad Pete

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Nest of Comfort

Goodness the boys were all full of themselves over
the Fun New Stuff

But look who has the Top Spot

And who is the Only Kitty who fits the wonderfur
Nest of Comfort!
Now who is this Fun New Stuff really fur fellas?
I wonder. MOL

Miss Fitz - Queen of the Nest of Comfort

Monday, April 23, 2018

Fun New Stuff

Wow! Lookit all the  Fun New Stuff

What is all this then Grasshopper
We have a new perch and a very nice cube

Lookee! There is a Nippy Nanner in there
I like the bottom level here. Cozy and soft

Nanner! Nanner! Nanner!
*Kick, Kickee, Kiiiick-Kick*

Oh look. A Fuzzy Wuzzy Ball! I like this Fuzzy Wuzzy
I christened it with Cat Spit
I will too
*Grab, Bitey, Whap, Bitey*

What a Wonderfur New Stuff
It sure is

Thanks Dad. We love our new cube and perch
Enjoy yourselves with them

Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Einstein  - aka Grasshopper

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Sunday Selfie: Rumpy Bump

Make sure to check out all our friends Selfies
at our hosts at: The Cat on My Head

Hold up Rumpy
What do you want? Fitz

I volunteered you for our family's Sunday Selfie
No way!
Really? Pray tell why brofur dear?
Never mind!
Oh come on. You can tell you dear sisfur Fitzy
Its not about that  Hard Lesson I gave you last week is it?

If you must know yes! My nose still stings and...
Hold that pose

What? Did you just?
Purrfect. Thanks brofur mine

Rumpy in all his, hee hee, glory

Fitz you better watch it. I owe you one
Bring it on Stumpy
Its Rumpy
Sorry, Grumpy. Hee Hee

Buddy Budd
Kali  From The Canadian Cats
Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Angel Mr Buttons in spirit
Miss Fitz
Shoko from The Canadian Cats

Dad Pete

Friday, April 20, 2018

Toby's 11th Birthday

Today we are celebrating my special man-cat Toby's 11th Birthday. It was on April 14th so we are a bit late. Hi Handsome.
*Nuzzles Fitz* Thanks fur coming everycat! 
My very hot BBF wanted Sea Food so get ready for a feast friends

Thanks to our good friends Pipo, Dalton and Petcretary at
Meezer's Mews and Terrieristical Woofs
Fur this fine card

Rumpy got one too!
You have been great friends over the years
Love you

Wow! Rumpy you do have a heart, MOL

Friends lets get this Pawty Started.
Dad please bring out the Noms

There is a selection of fine feline wine to start
Buddy will be pouring

Yez ah iz so'ze nun uf dat pushin ya git some

For those who like a  bit of greens we have
Broccoli with Bacon Bits

For starters Toby wanted Shrimp
Lemon Garlic Shrimp on Grits

And Shrimp Cocktail

Now for the Entrees

Grilled Grouper with Green Beans

Mahi Mahi with Butter Sauce

Butterfly Shrimp and Fries

Lobster Thermidor

And Broiled Lobster

There is plenty of fresh bread

And Banana Bread Stuffed with Cheese Cake
If you like a bit of sweet

For Dessert

Chocolate Chunk Cake

Please relax with a Mousie after you are done
Buddy will provide Cat Beer if you want
Stay as long as you like and have Fun!

Thanks fur coming dear friends. This is the Best Birthday Ever!
Come on over with me Toby dearest
Wow here I come sweet Fitz

Buddy Budd
Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Angel Mr Buttons in spirit
Miss Fitz

Dad Pete

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Rumpy's Hard Lesson

True Story. April 2018

Did he really meow that?
You bet. I almost fell off the couch.

What is all this then
Juicy Gossip fur me?

I think I have to use the litter pan

Did I ever tell you how much I like you Fitz
Come on, lets be pals. Give me the scoop
Back off!
Aw come on... *Nudge*

*Whap, Whap, Whap, Whapity, Whap, Whap*

Go ahead "Nudgey." Show off that nose

*Grumble, Mumble, Grumble*

Rumpy why do you have all those scratches on your nose?
Picker bush...
Oh, I get it. A Miss Fitz Whap Fest. Need a cuddle?
Thanks Dad *Sigh* 

Timmy Tomcat - Third pawty
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots - Instigator 
Miss Fitz - Protagonist
Dad Pete - Witness