I say anything I want all my furs who are near the coast to be really
careful and keep safe from the wind and rain! Promise! I will send a
purrayer your way.
started out the week totally out of control. He was being so bad Pops
was very upset. I had to do something. I called him over for a sit down, uh, yeah, I was sitting.
Giving Rumpy the Lecture |
I gave him a stern lecture on his behavior and how Toby, Mr B and even Buddy were starting to act up also. He did not want to listen, but, after I told him how upset Pops was, well, he started to see the light. We discussed that maybe more exercise would help him to burn off all that energy. I asked him if maybe medication would help but he said no thank you to that. He said he would give the exercise plan a try. He thanked me for the talk.
He thanked me for the behavior suggestions |
I thanked him for listening |
night he played for a long time and, amazing as it seems, he was a
very good cat all night. Pops even praised him in the morning and
gave him a big hug.
then on last night guess what? A BIG BOX! Whee! I got to play in the
box but even better was what was in there.
This is a tool to make Treats |
does not like giving us dry food as treats. He wants us to be real
healthy so he got a food Dehydrator. He says making healthy treats it
the best way to go. Wow how cool is that
I guess I have to Choose my favorite Recipe! Hmmmmm? Decisions
Decisions Decisions |
So the first batch came out last night. Shrimpys! YAY! They are good. A bit odd as they smell like they normally do and then they are crunchy and chewy. Nice. Then today we got Chicken! YAY Again!
They were crunchy too. Good! You can read about how to make them at Herding Cat Tips by Pops. His blog has good tips for your humans so take note.
to all and Love Ya (In a Man-Cat way of course)