Mmmph... Let me finish killing this friends |
I have been asking the Ugh, Boyz, to mention to our friends that our Cat Fence is on the way. Dad sold his big metal tools on eBay just for us. What a guy. So what I wanted to Meow is that there may be some old comics and stuff that your pawrents may like. His ID is BUYNSELL4121. If you want something let us know by eBay message who you are and Dad will give you 50% off. Share the wealth I say. Purrs |
Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed
©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: https:Timmytomcat.blogspot.com. All rights reserved
Our pawppy was/is trying to sell some things on EBay, too...but so far no nibblers.
Hope your Dad makes lots of green papers to help with your fencing.
My human used to sell a few things on eBay, but she hasn't since I've been here.
I used to sell a lot on ebay but it is tough. There is too much competition and the buyers expect gold while paying for copper.
WOWZERS - a cat fence? Sounds like you might be destined for a chance to enjoy the great outdoors????
Hugs, Teddy
Your dad's lucky to have sold stuff--our mom hasn't had much luck. But cool for you, too--we can't wait to see this cat fence!
I too am curious about this cat fence...it's not an invisible fence like dogs use, is it? Or is it net that keeps cats inside, and other critters out?
A cat fence ? How exciting ! Purrs
A cat fence sounds exciting! I hope your dad has good luck selling his items on Ebay.
We can't wait to see you're cat fence, that sounds pretty darn exciting!
That is so sweet of your Dad to sell his tools to get you kitties a fence. XO
excited to see your fence! You know my Mom has NEVER used eBay!
fitz....popz total lee rox.....we will go chex out yur ebay; what with dood in red day knot two far off....we mite just find sum thin.... { now ta figure out what de FSG's pazzwerd iz .......
How's ya? We San Franfuncisco meowsters don't know about EEEEE Bay Stuff but we do know we loves you Meowstsers abundicaticatlly YUP we do for sure!
Looking good, looking sweet Miss Fitz ... also looking like you have a secret to share ...
I will go right now!!!
Mommy can't find you on eBay. She has looked and looked by your seller name...
I looked for yoo on eBay and yoo aren't coming up! Can yoo post the link? Is BUYNSELL4121 the right ID?
What a nice cat dad to sell some of his stuff to get you a cat fence! Can't wait to see it!
You look bootyful Fitz. We tried to find unclke Pete, but don't know how to search a seller. Sorry. Big hugs
Luv ya'
Dezi and Raena
A cat-fence? Does that mean a catio? What's going on there? Your dad never stops improving your world, eh?
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