
Monday, May 31, 2021

Our Family Memorial Day

Dad, the family and our Angels thank you for your service!

We thank our Dads Dad for serving in the Pacific on a Destroyer in WWII. Dads sister was born while he was at sea and Dads Mom kept the home fires burning and a candle in the window.

Dad thanks for cooking for us and our friends
Dig in everyone and enjoy our little party!
Me and Toby have Burgers staked out
The Canadian Gals and I are starting on the deviled eggs and treats
Don't gobble too much you, you, Canadians
Rumperz we Angels gonna git-cha if yoo aint nice like.
Canadian Budd is with us so Listen!
Lets dig into our Burritos Buddy
Dad stuffie em gud-gud-gud. Throw one over da fence fer Fanny. Yep she gotz it.

For Memorial Day we Joiner da Comedy Plus fer Awww Mondayz. We hope yoo do too

Timmy Tomcat: Our Spokes Cat
Toby Tomcat: The Handsome Fellow
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots: Our Court Jester
Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed
Einstein: The Floofy Kid 
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman
Angel Buddy Budd: Elder States Spirit
Fanny Feral: Our Outside Kitty
Angel Mr Buttons in Spirit
Angel Budd: The Canadian Cats
Angel Kali: The Canadian Cat

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Sunday, May 30, 2021

Selfie by Rumpy Bump

Look at this magnificent Ruff! I am such a...
Rumpy! Rumpy!
Why, oh owner of thumbs, are you interrupting?
Who brought in that disgusting thing in the hallway?
Hallway? Thing?
That stinky thing?
I did not bring in that long furred...
HAH! I said nothing about long fur it was you!
Curses! Busted by my mystery guest. I do have a nice selfie though

We are joining The Cat on My Head Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. I sure hope you weren't busted for something that was awesome fun this week.

Rumpy Bump Stumpnots: Our Court Jester
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Friday, May 28, 2021

Flashback Friday with Fitz: Nippy Gets Nipped

Due to silly Blogger we may not be able to post photos so I decided to do a Friday with Fitz Flashback:  Nippy gets Nipped 

We are joining 15 and Meowing and Four-Legged Furballs for Friendly Fill-Ins. Dad is doing them this week. What do you have to meow about?

1. I wish We were as Young as We once were. It is tough but we are all aging. 
2. My plans this weekend include Staying off the road and connecting with some friends. I have a feeling with things opening up there will be a lot of crazies drinking and driving.
3. It’s hard to believe that The world is still the one we grew up in. Yeah, don't get me started!
4. I need Coffee in order to Get my motor running. Now just a cup or two but I still love that stuff.

We are joining Comedy Plus for Feline Friday. Are you Feline? Its Friday so get going already

Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Thankful for Caring Friends

Thanks so much for stopping by today friends. It always makes us purr when you stop by for thankful Thursday, and, all the days you do. We think of you as our friends and that is what we are thankful for this week, friends. Friends who care enough to visit. Let us explain why. You see we had that early summer heat wave like so many of you did over the past week. Were we ready? Not in the least. Imagine or surprise when Dads friend stopped by on Sunday morning to put in our AC units. He said he had been doing them for his family all week but wanted to stop by and get ours in too. He took the time to help us even though we are in a town over from his. A friend like that is something to be thankful for. Yes it is. No matter for something little, large or to just chat a friend stopping by is really all that. What are you thankful for this week friends? We can't wait to hear about that. 

We were also really thankful that we got up in time to be first commenters along with Ingrid, Sharon and Katty on this weeks Teaser. You can see all the fun on the Teaser Tell All at Two Spoiled Cats. Next week you can join in with all of us

We are joining Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop. We hope you have a thankful to share with us this week

Timmy Tomcat: Our Spokes Cat

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Rump Day The Art of Cat Pushing

Today I wanted to review a skill all cats should know: The Art of Cat Pushing. First get some Cat Spit on your paws for traction

Then give a good Push! Work up to the big...

Two Paw Push. Advance practitioners can do a four paw push which is good for use against the dreaded uninvited tummy rub. Please excuse Dads terrible photos

I demonstrated this to the Floofy Kid back in late 2017 but cannot find the post. Curses!

Grasshopper needed a lot of work but got the gist

Got It? You better, there will be a Test!

We are joining Comedy Plus for Wordless Wednesday. We are Pushing on that wordless thing, are you?

Rumpy Bump Stumpnots: Our Court Jester

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Monday, May 24, 2021

Einsteins Awww: Box Envy

So I will just put the recycle in this box and...
Thanks Dad this box is just right
Einstein I was using that

It was just sitting here
I turned away for 30 seconds
There you go
There you go what?
Cat Rule #2 "If a box is unattended for Any Period of time it shall become the cats box"

Where is that posted?
Its one of those known laws of nature
Really. What is rule #1?

Cat Rule #1 "If you find a box play or nap." Call me for dinner
Yeah, yeah alright

I was lucky enough to have Dad adopt me but other kitties need help too. Please donate to Winnies Wish for Chrystal's Birthday Party. She does so much all by herself to care for the cats. You can go to her site Daily Dose of Dogs AKA Cats with your Coffee and the links are on the right for her Wish List or you can donate with PayPal. Thanks friends

We are joining Comedy Plus for Awww Mondays. Do you have an Awww to share? Or a box?

Einstein: The Floofy Kid 
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Timmy's Sad Selfie

Hello friends I sure hope you like my Selfie. I was sitting with Dad and must admit we were feeling down. In the past week we lost a long time blogging friend, Speedy and a dear friend from Cat Scouts Tubby. Then on top of that a special friend from Cat Scouts, Karen N, lost the love of her life very suddenly. Adding to things Dad and myself have not been feeling well so are up against it as are our Cat Scout friends. Hopefully spring will blow down some of these blues for all.

Speedy the Cheeky House Bunny was one of the first pet blogs we found when we started out way back when. Please visit his family to leave your support We remember so many adventures he went on especially with his gal pal Angel Nellie of Cats-astrophic Events. Make sure you visit to see all the fun!

Our dear Cat Scout friend Tubby was a real fun loving cat and we had so many adventures over the years. You have to agree he was a handsome Ginger fellow. We send his Mom and Family our support

We do have something happy to report and that is the Huge 15th Birthday that is going on at the Bridge for our pal Guido The Italian Kitty!
Happy Birthday dear friend from all of us and our Angels: Stinker, Coco, Amber, Inky, Pee, Buttons and Buddy Budd.

We are joining The Cat on My Head Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. Hope to see your great selfie too!

Timmy Tomcat: Our Spokes Cat

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Saturday, May 22, 2021

Our 10th Blogoversary

Welcomer ta da our tenf...
Thats Tenth Angel Buddy!
Ya Rumperz ah sayed dat, our tenf Bloggie Annivarsariez. We gonna do sum randomer foetoes from da anchovies. 
Photos from the Archives
Oy Vey Rumper. Anyhoo gotz none frum 2011 so we startin wit Bootiful Bloo Me! July 21, 2012 we all just had our checker-up. Ah waz sleek-n-sexiez. Ah flirtin with da gals in bloggie land

Alzo frum 2012 we gotz Timmerz Halloweenie Cowboy Cat. He told dem varmits to skedaddle. 11-1-12 he admittin his addiction to da plastic. Dad sayed he hadda Pica Appetite when he yung. Yeah, K Dad, whateva

From 2013 it's me, Mr Buttons, on my Gothca Day. I had fun playing and then got some toasty O's. Mmm. Next is Thanksgiving and Buddy's Gotcha Day

We are the Marching Man Cats of 2014. Its Me, Angel Buddy Budd, Rumpy Bump and Einstein. There is nothing nice as a good working of the claws with a march on the bed!

Finally, Friday with Fitz for 2015. I was waiting for the bed to be made so I could relax and do a deep nail chew. Check out Buddy Budd stealing the noms, MOL. Speaking of boys, they were purrplexed by the Furby which I ignored and for April Fools Day Einstein tried to hide in the shopping bag while Rumpy made funny faces. Those two are weird!

Is Gabby Gal finally finished? Sheesh! This is my Stick from my 2016 Birthday. I love to chew on sticks, on Dad, on the family! Hee Hee. Then we had a fun Nip Party and each had a nippy goodie. Hey, where am I at? Ignored again. Curses!

Rumpy you chill or I will bite your butt, again, like I did in 2017. That is Timmy winning the Sombrero decorating contest at Cat Scouts and him and Buddy having fun. Fitz is being Fierce. Wow, she has been scary since day one!

For 2018, and everyday in fact, I love a head rub from Dad. I give him a nibble to let him know how much I love him. Einstein needs to watch it as Rumpy, that bum, still rules the roost. My brofur Timmy sure loves his nip. He had a Ceegar here and enjoyed it for a whole week before sharing.

In 2019 I got a little bit of a trim but Rumpy did too and it was actually pretty nice. Big Buddy loved Dad so much and slept with him every night. I sure miss that guy. Here is Fitz, being, well, Fitz

And here in 2020 I have to say we are seeing too much of the Floofy Fellas *Sigh* One thing we agree on is napping with Dad on the couch and here I am looking intense. Handsome too!

So here we are in 2021 for our tenth anniversary. We have laughed and cried and had all kinds of fun and met some wonderful bloggers along the way.
I want to thank you for being friends and visiting.
Check Your Chickens! They may need a Whap!
Be thankful everyday for the gifts in your life
Ignore that which you cannot control
Have a bit of fun everyday
We are joining the Caturday Art Blog Hop with Athena Cat Goddess. Are you feeling arty, smarty?

Timmy Tomcat: Our Spokes Cat
Toby Tomcat: The Handsome Fellow
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots: Our Court Jester
Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed
Einstein: The Floofy Kid 
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman
Angel Buddy Budd: Elder States Spirit
Angel Mr Buttons in Spirit

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Friday, May 21, 2021

Friday with Fitz: Thanks Friends

I wanted to thank all our friends who came to My and Angel Buttons Birthday Party  yesterday. He may have been from another mother but was the best brother.
I asked Dad for a taste of his Hot Dog which was not as tasty as I expected, but it did lead me to think about this weeks 1st & 2nd Fill-Ins. By the way Rumpy is our Hot Dog eater. He eats anything.

We were One of Three First Commenters on this weeks Teaser. Maybe you will be next weeks. See you at the Tuesday Teaser at Two Spoiled Cats

We are joining 15 and Meowing & Four-Legged Furballs for Friendly Fill-Ins. What do you have to say today?

1. Lately, I’ve been Worried. Timmy is now thinner than I am and Rumpy is not as ornery as he was which gives me less reason to whap him. Tim lets get back to eating and Rumpy just be yourself will you.
2. I find Ham fascinating. How do they get all that flavor into a bit of pork? Or does the pig do it? Inquiring felines want to know
3. If I had known How nice everyone wasI would have Put down my defenses when I was first adopted. I stayed out of sight for a good bit of time but I was loved no matter what. That is family.
4.  I can’t help but Whap when I’m nervous. What? You expected me to say shake or shiver or get all mushy? Not this Queen of the Castle

Calling all cats to join Comedy Plus for Feline Friday. Come on, it will make you purr

Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Thankful Birthdays for Fitz's & Friends

We want to wish our special girl, Miss Fitz, a Very Happy 10th Birthday
My dear family sometimes I may be a bit testy and give you a Whap but I am so Thankful for your and Dads love. We have some friends Birthdays to celebrate too Timmy!

Our Angels are having a Party in heaven my for brother Mr Buttons

A Happy Birthday to Binky and Granny

Dad made me a Bone-In Ham, Spam, Bacon and Kippers

Shrimp and Fish for the family

Drinks for all. I like a bit of wine
Daaaad, my ham pleeeease! MOL

Enjoy yourselves friends. We need to savor every minute as life is precious and our time is short

We are joining Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop to help them celebrate and hope to see your Thankfuls too friends. As always we are so happy to see you this week.

Timmy Tomcat: Our Spokes Cat
Toby Tomcat: The Handsome Fellow
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots: Our Court Jester
Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed
Einstein: The Floofy Kid 
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman
Angel Buddy Budd: Elder States Spirit
Angel Mr Buttons in Spirit
Angels Stinker, Coco, Amber, Inky & Pee Girl

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved