
Monday, August 4, 2014

Buddy Budd and the Blues

Hey Frens
No ah don't got da blues ah talkin bout Blues. Blue Cats. See Buddy Budd gotta stake out the equals blog time. Yeah if I don't grabbit while its steamin that family will hog the whole she-bang.


So ya all hear bout them Cat Scouts with Timmy blah blah blah.
Well it bout time ya hear bout another great group: Da Blues Lounge! Now its kinda a secret group and it used to be that only us Blues could belong, but, in dis modern lighting age, bulbs an all,  we let other cats in. Ya wanna join? Ya know ya do, I tell ya how later. Just check out da fun we havin...

Evfur week we go onna trip. Dis week itz Nepal.
Pretty cool fur a buncha cats huh

Check out dis great photo and dat scenery. You think
dats Buddy Budd. Nope. That Tate and his gal Spice.
He's Buddy's buddy fur sure. We think we twins
from nuther mother, Yep yep.

Another great Blue is Bugsy. He asked the
all da family to come along on the trip.
What a super nice thing.

Ya gotta have cat feets up here cause it be far down
to dat ground. Ah not skeered, no not a teeny bit...

We went climbin around. That Neekah Boo izza
nice little feller. Blue az anythin too

Now we Blues do the travel and we Pawty too! A fren pawrents went outta town so... ya may not see Buddy Budd next weekz

In fact ahm cooking up a storm by da pool. Neekah Boo
he brought dat ButterBeer. Dats gud stuff. Real gud!

So scuse me cuz ah gotta... PAWTY!!
Keep dem ButterBeers comin Neekah Boo!

Oh yez. Ya can hook up wit me on da CatHugger an ah introduction ya to da group. We all dere even da kid, Eenystein. 

Oh yea...PAWTY

Yer Buddy
Buddy Budd


  1. OMC Dat sounds like lots of fun. And da fotos awe pawsum. But purrlease be caweful ovew there nex tu da edge. MOL

    Luv ya'


  2. You sure had a wonderfur catventure! Thanks fur sharing it with us!

  3. That's a pawsome adventure ! Thank you for sharing your nice pictures ! Purrs

  4. What a great pawadventure!!!! Thanks for showing us all those great photo shots!

  5. dood...we iz lovin yur last pick sure....pleez ta tell de crew over at cathugger we said meowloz...enjoy yur pool partee N eat sum burgerz for uz oh kay !♥

  6. Da Blues Lounge sounds like quite the place, Buddy! What a fun adventure.

  7. Yow Buddy Budd ya iz one wild n cwazy BLUE kitteh!! Pawty one Buddy pawty on!!!
    Yer furendz Nylablue n Mum too

  8. Holy CATS!! The Blues here wanna pawty with you guys!

  9. Reading about it, feels like reliving it all. RBL is a fun group and the more cats are memfurs, the merrier.

  10. Blue cats are da bomb! The mom's very first cat was a Korat - a blue kitty with beautiful silver highlights and green eyes.

  11. It looks like a fun time was had by all. It makes me wish I were a little blue right now...

  12. Wow, those trips sure look like lots of fun! We have never heard of this secret group before. You've got all kinds of neat skills we didn't know about, Buddy. Rock climbing?!? Very impressive.

  13. Buddy, we think the Blues Lounge sounds like a terrific place! What adventures you had!

  14. Wow! I thought Cat Scouts was exciting! No ended for a blue to feel blue, even if you're not blue! MOL

  15. Wow you are quite the party group over at the Blues Lounge!

  16. Maxwell: Dood. Seriouslies? A BLUES CLub??? COOLIO!!

  17. *swoon* finally...a place special for us Russian Blues...BUddy sign me up for the Blues Lounge for sure!!!

  18. Looks as if y'all had a pawsome time. Is Da Blues Lounge part of CatHugger? We gots two true Blues at our house (Fiona and Giulietta) plus all Kitties Blue. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


Let us cats know what you think of our post! No hissing please.