
Friday, May 31, 2013

Big Caturday with Important and Fun info!

Hey Furends!
Hope you are having a wonderfur Caturday full of Naps, Play and Treats.

First up we wanted everycat to know about a very brave Momcat. Her kitten was caught in a brush fire and she ran in after him. She was not hurt but little Bernie was burned. His photos are a bit sad but you can see that he is going to be alright with our help.

Brave Momcat and her kitten Bernie who needs help.

We would also love it if you would stop by and visit our new pal Ginger Jasper.
He could use some purrs to fell better.

Now on to some fun things:

Dad got us our very own puter. Hopefully now we will be able to keep up to paw on our Catster and Blog furends. It is really neat as there is no warm up. Bang it is on. Kind of like when you wake up to that squeek and you are ready to go as soon as your eyes open. Dad says the good deal is on Google Play.
Acer C7 Chromebook

Our Favorite Grumpy Cat has made the Wall Street Journal! Wow! He has an Agent! I wonder who's next? Will it be YOU!

Of course a lazy Caturday is made even better watching the antics of that kitty who keeps one paw ahead of his peep.

Simon's Cat in Screen Grab

And of course, The Harlem Shake Rambo the Cat Style

Have a Purrfect Day!
Your Pal
Timmy Tomcat


  1. dood...we saw that bout bernie N how awesum iz that hiz mom runned into that firez ta save blessings oh st francis two him he makes a full ree coveree ree.....hope everee one ther iz doin good...we iz gonna spend de week oh end conservin sleepin :)

    hope everee one haza grate week oh end !

    say Hi ta everee one over at "C" ~~~~~~~

    1. Will do my furends. We gotta admit it gettin tuff like ta keep up wit every thing.

  2. That is an amazing story about the mom and baby!

  3. Hoping the kitten will be ok! We are purring for Ginger Jasper for Grumpy Cat heard on the news last week that Tardar's owner has already made $100,000 with that cat!

  4. I hope that kitten gets all the help he needs to recover completely. I liked the videos.

  5. Haha! We love the cats Harlem shaking!

  6. That sure is a hero Momma kitty and we are all purring for her sweet little one. We have all been purring for Ginger Jasper too.

  7. Oooh, poor kitty. Hope he gets well soon. That's very painful and he's just a kitty. Purr.... Went to visit GJ already.

  8. Poor little baby. I hope he makes a good recovery. His catmum is very brave. I am purring for GJ.

  9. Hope the kitten will be OK!

    cats of wildcat woods

  10. We're sending our purrs into turbocharge overdrive for sweet GJ! ANd uh, Tard's got herself an AGENT?!? Dood, we're slacking!

  11. Mieow Timmy, WOW! What a brave mommeh cat ^..^ we send loud purrayerz fur da little baby an Ginger Jasper too! ^..^

    Grumpy Cat got an agent !?! ^..^ Whoa!

    Headbuttz dude ^..^ x3

    ♥♥XOXO♥♥frum da girlz ^.,^ x2

  12. Hi Timmy! Wowzers! Your very own puter! nice! thank you so much for stopping to visit me and comment; I am coming back, but we still have Leo and he still is not eating on his own...paw crossed he will get better this week...paw pats, Savannah

  13. Purring hard for the momma cat and her kitten...

    Yeah for dad's new computer... I just got a new one too and it makes such a difference!

  14. We like Simon's Cat too. Glad your dad's 'puter is fast, we are sure it will be very useful.

  15. Hi there Timmy !
    What a brave mommeh cat !!
    Sending lot of (((purrs))) to the kitten and to GJ too.
    My mom say´s there is NO V8 in Mercedes 230 SLK so that´s out of the question *mol*

  16. You're up on the gossip this week! you should get a column :-)


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