
Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Awards Celebration!

Hey Furends!
Here it is and lets get right to the Ceremony. Our Memorial Day Party had a contest to identify the 6th language that stated: "Enjoy your meal"!

Drum Roll Please!

It Was: Klingon!

Thanks to all who stopped by and played. The winners are:

Apaws! Apaws!
Special reconition of Flynn who had all the languages correct! 
French, Swedish, Czech, German, Hungarian and Klingon

Now the good part. They can choose one or both of our First Annual Memorial Day Klingon Kitty Awards.

Award One

Award Two

Whoa... They are a couple of tough looking cats. Just right to have on your side when the play gets exciting. We would appreciate you linking your award to our site!

Hope you all had a great time!
Timmy Tomcat and Family


  1. Congats to the winners...enjoy!!

  2. Oh what FUN!!! We'll have Mommy add our badge today.
    Thanks for the fun quiz!

  3. dood...whoa...theese bee sum way kewl badgez....did ewe N toby model for em....rock on, !!!!

  4. Klingon! I had no idea!
    These are mighty awards. Congrats to the winners!!

  5. MOL! We are so proud! We never win anything because we're fur brains! Now finally our genius is recognised. Thanks *purring*

  6. Well that was fun! Congrats to the winners!

  7. So we never would have guessed in a squillion years. Glad you had some winners. Those awards are really scary! Purrs and hugs from the kitties at The Cat on My Head, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Josette

  8. We speak four out of the six, but the Klingon we would have never guessed.

  9. Thank you for my award and concats to the other winners too. I will post it at the weekend because mum says we have to keep tomorrow for Eric.

  10. YEA!! APAWS! for the sorry I missed it...Klingon we would have known...probable not all the others MOL

  11. Aplaws to the winners !
    Me too missed it and of course it´s all my mom-persons fault *sigh*
    and OK the broadband company as well :)


Let us cats know what you think of our post! No hissing please.