
Sunday, September 5, 2021

Rumpy's Tired Selfie

Hi Friends. I have to admit that even though it's an honor to be our Selfie I sure am tired *Yawn* It has been a lot of work chasing cats out of sharing my  new bed. Also getting ready for our Labor Day Party and my floofy little pals 8th birthday on Wednesday. Do you know who I meow of? I think he forgot from all the floof in his head MOL.

We want to wish BellaDharma a very Happy 3rd Gotcha Day. Congratulations dear friend!

We are joining The Cat on My Head Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. We hope to see you there and remember you can post until Thursday, what a bargain!

Rumpy Bump Stumpnots: Our Court Jester

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved


  1. Sounds like you've been very busy, Rumpy!

  2. No wonder you are so tired with all the work you have had to do, Rumpy.

  3. You are a busy boy and keeping track of your furrrramily is tiring!

    Hugs, Teddy

  4. Be sure to rest up today so you can have a big party tomorrow and maybe the birthday party for oh let me guess, Einstein. I said I'm a close. Sunday is a great day to take a rest so have the whole family get in a snooze okay.

  5. You do work a lot, Rumpy. I don't know how you do it.

  6. HURRAH for mee 3rd Gotcha Day!!! Iss wunderfull~~~many thanx Rumpy an Mistur Pete an THE Gang fore yore grate cared!!
    An Rumpy you had a furry busy week. Take today off....oh wait, you can't take a day off from beein hansum....mew mew mew.....
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) BellaSita

  7. Rumpy I'm a little sleepy too.
    Happy Gotcha day to your friend!!
    Hugs cecilia

  8. You certainly are busy, Rumpy. That's a handsome selfie, but we can definitely understand why you are tired.

    Are you talking about Einey?

  9. Lookin' good, Rumpy, tired or not! It's always good to keep yourself well rested, especially when there is a lot going on.

  10. Being a blogging sensation can be exhausting Rumpy, get some sleep handsome boy.

  11. Rumpy, what a stunning selfie, even though you are a little snoozy. Where has the time g9ne. We remember when Einie was brought to Dad Pete. We still think of him as a young kid. Thanks for being this week’s hopper. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet

  12. Even when you look tired, Rumpy, you still look good!

  13. Rumpy, good looking sound asleep, just like when you're awake.
    Take care and rest up for this week's party!

  14. Rumps, I swear you have turned into the Cat About Countries! Here with me...there with your family and who KNOWS where else! And taking your bed with you...hmmmm.....

  15. Looking lovely even sleeping Rumpy :-D

  16. Rumpy, that Ramblingon was me, Katie.

  17. Pssst ... dontcha tell anybody but I got da Birthday list up here at the Heavenly Catpuccino Cloud Cafe and I knows, yup uh huh I knows it’s Signore Einsteins’s birthday this week! SHHHHHHHHH dontcha tell anybody yet! SHHHHHHH I don’t wanna let the cat out of the bag! SHHHHH

  18. That's right! Einstein's Birthday is just before Kozmo's. We are so glad that you and your family are enjoying your new bed!

  19. At least you did get to take a rest from your hard labors, Rumpy!! Snooze on, you deserve it...and you prolly need it too:)

    Hope we can drop in for Einie's special day.

  20. Oh, now why did you have to go ahead and do that Rumpy ... you have made us sooooo
    sleepy and now we must go take a nap ourselves ...
    y.a.w.n. It is sooooooooo catching ...


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