
Saturday, December 5, 2020

Caturday Art and Winna's!

I hope you like my Christmassy Art. I used Frost and darn if Toby didn't say "Wow that is Cute!" I had to give him a cuddle and post it for you all. Dad liked it too which meant a LOT.
See I jump onto the table from the china cabinet all the time. Well yesterday I don't know what happened but I lost my footing. I slid into the wrapping paper, the Whap wrapping papper slid into the coffee pot, the coffee pot slid off the table and landed upside down in the little basket Dad keeps stuff in like chargers and... well you get the idea. There was Steam coming out of his ears! But we made up. He said I am a good girl most times.
Dad said we should show off our Teaser Wins today. We love Teaser Tuesday at Two Spoiled Cats

On 12/01/20 we were First Guessers and that one makes up proud as we don't get many of those

This was from 11/24/20 for Thanksgiving

And we got a Teaserween one Woo-Hoo!
We are joining The Caturday Art Blog Hop with Athena Cat Goddess.
You should too

Miss Fitz: Sloe Eyed and Fast Pawed

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved


  1. Yikes, Miss Fitz! Looks like the coffee pot spilled onto your electricals too!! You look like you are sizzling! MOL!!

    Concats to your Dad Pete on all his wins!!

  2. You do look electrifying, Miss Fitz! Congrats on your wins.

  3. What an event Miss Fitz. I hope you didn't get any bruises in that leap and fall. However I'm sure your dad was a bit disappointed. You're a lovable girl and he forgives easily. Your art picture is glamorous.

  4. We love your frosty art, specially as we wiz not familiar with it! Come on over and join our contest today!!

  5. We hope you didn't hurt yourself.

    The art is lovely 😻

  6. Ms Fitz! Your frosting is purrfect! And what a way to go with the teasers! My Cod! Look at all those awards! CONCATULATIONS!
    We think we have only gotten Greenies, Koz thinks he remembers Angel nellie winning one - once a zillion years ago!
    Marv, Jo Jo, Kozmo, Cinnamon and Barb

  7. Your artwork is really cool! Literally! MOL! Congrats on your wins this week.

  8. Very cool art. Congrats on being speedy and clever. XO

  9. Your artwork is super cool this week! And good job on those wins. Concatulations!

  10. Love your adorable photo Miss Fitz, and we think the art is exceptional. We have similar accidents here all the time, but mostly our humans are the klutzes. Your Dad is a huge Teaser champ! XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  11. Concats on all the mischief you set off. I hope they can thaw you out so I can read about more mischief next week.

  12. What an unfortunate experience Miss Fitz. But these things happen in every household sweet girl. I am about due for a mistake to happen here.

  13. You all are always - ALWAYS - excellent students in class for Teaser Tuesday. Professor Angel Sam and Professor Teddy say you are super smarties!!!!

    Miss Fitz I'm glad you didn't get hurt with your OOPSIE. Your Dad can't stay mad at any of you for long - who could look at your cute faces and stay mad after all??!!!! NOBODY!

    Hugs, Pam


Let us cats know what you think of our post! No hissing please.