
Sunday, November 22, 2020

Einstein's Floofy Selfie

Hi friends! I was really happy to find out I was up for our family Sunday Selfie. I like the flashy box so I can show off my general floofyness. My ears look really grand in this photo don't you think. I hope my gal Shoko sees this. Purrs sweetie.

On a sad note we had to say goodbye to Felix a dear friend from Cat Scouts. He was a great friend and scout and will be missed by many. We know there are a ton of Angels who will welcome him. He does not have a blog but I will pass on your well wishes to his mom and Sisfur Maggie.

We are joining The Cat on My Head Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. Hope their blog is back to better.

Einstein: The Floofy Kid 

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved


  1. Einstein, I am not sure why your picture is coming up small but I clicked and it looks gorgeous. You are amazing, and sharp and soft and I am so jealous of your fur!

    Have a good week you and the family.

  2. That is a very handsome selfie, Einstein.

  3. I think that is the most handsome selfie I have seen of you, Einie!
    Please pass my condolences to the family of Felix.

  4. I think it's very fitting of you Einstein to let us know about Felix. Being black and white yourself and very handsome it was generous of you to show us a picture of Felix, and so sad.

  5. Great floofy selfie.

    Too many Scouts at the Bridge.

    The Florida Furkids

  6. WOW Einstein, that is such a fabulous selfie! We're very sorry to hear about dear Felix and we all send love and hugs to his special family.

  7. You look furry handsome, Einstein and We love your ears!

    Please pass Our condolences and purrs of comfort to Felix's family.

  8. Super floofy, and super handsome, Einstein!

  9. Fabulous selfie, Einstein ! We're sorry for your friend. Purrs

  10. You look very handsome, Eintstein. We didn't know Felix, but we're so sorry you lost a friend.

  11. Very nice selfie. Sammy and I were sad to find out Felix went to the Bridge. He was such a good friend to all. XO

  12. Einstein, you are one beautiful kitty! I am so sorry you lost your friend Felix.

  13. Einie, you are the handsome man cat of the week. We're sorry your furriend went to the Bridge. Condolences to all.
    xoxo, Bibi & Meep

  14. Einstein, you are one handsome young mancat. Your floof is wonderful.

    I'm sorry to read about Felix. Please let his family know that there are many thinking of them today. Godspeed, Felix.

  15. What a handsome selfie, Einstein. We are sorry to hear about Felix. Please give his family our condolences.

  16. Einstein, this is a magnificent selfie. Your floofy furs looks so luxurious. You did a great job looking right at the camera, just like our C.J. Shoko will love this photo. Thanks for hopping. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  17. We are sorry to see Felix has gone OTRB. Please let his Mom and sis that we send purrayers and POTP to them.

    Einie that is a very handsome selfie !

  18. Mom and I are always sad when someone has gone to the Bridge and left their family behind for now. Please know we will visit.

  19. Einie, you look marvelous!
    Sorry that you lost a friend; so sad.

  20. Einie!! OMC!! What a great selfie!! Your Dad should frame it!

    So sorry that Felix had to become Angel Kitty. May he rest sweetly and soon with new strong wings and youthful energy, he can soar over the catnip meadows at the RB.


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