
Sunday, May 3, 2020

Timmy's Selfie

We are joining The Cat on My Head Sunday Selfies Blog Hop. You should too

This is my: "Laying on Dads leg while asking for head scritches Selfie" Not too much to ask, right?

Could you please send some purrs and prayers to our brofur Toby. Seems he was under the weather then Miss Fitz really got into it with him and I am embarrassed to say we all piled on. He did finally eat a little so Dad is happy about that. 
Thanks Friends

Dad: Toby update. This morning Toby was as chipper as ever and ate his whole Fancy Feast with gusto. If we were not under stay-at-home I would have zipped him to the Vet and it would be another $200 tummy ache. Life with cats can be such an adventure.
Love you Toby.
Back-Atcha Dad. *Toby head bumps like mad*

Timmy Tomcat: Tomcat Home Spokes Cat 
Toby Tomcat: The Handsome Fellow

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved


  1. Timmy wow, yu are are one handsome Dude!

    And we sure hope Toby will get to feeling lots better. Purrs and POTP!

  2. I am sending lots of purrs to Toby! Sometimes if a cat is unwell, the other cats in the family start acting out at him. I hope he doesn't need to be checked out during this time, but please don't hesitate if it seems at all necessary.

  3. Toby love, get well and be OK sweetheart. You look so handsome there they should not have picked on you.

    * gentle hugs *


  4. Of COURSE head scritches are not too much to ask for, Timmy!
    And it goes without saying We shall purray for Toby's good health.
    Purrs and pawpats to you all.

  5. Great selfie, Timmy! And we are so glad that things turned out okay with Toby. XO

  6. Look at that sweet face, of course you should get head scritches Timmy! Toby, I'm glad all turned out well with you, I bet your Dad and his wallet are relieved.

  7. Looking good Timmy! I'm glad to hear that Toby is feeling better, y'all be nice to Sir Toby.

  8. I am glad Toby is feeling better. Maybe he was upset that you all had a go at him.

  9. Timmy Tomcat you are one handsome mancat!
    Oh Toby! be well stay strong we purr for you.
    xoxo, Bibi & Meep

  10. Deer Toby mee sendss tripell POTP to you!! Pleese feel bettur soon!
    Miss Fitz musta bin purrty wurried....
    Timmy yore Pleese scritch mee Selfie iss adoorabell; just like you!
    **purrss** BellaDharma

  11. Nice selfies. We're glad Toby is better today.
    The Florida Furkids

  12. Toby, you gave your human a fright!
    Knock it off, okay?

  13. Nice selfies. I am glad Toby feels better. XO

  14. I'm glad Toby is feeling better! And great selfies, too!

  15. We're sending lots of purrs to Toby so he gets better soon. Very nice selfies today.

  16. We're glad Toby is feeling better.

    Timmy that is a very handsome selfie !

  17. What a handsome selfie, Timmy. And we’re glad to hear Toby is doing better.

  18. I'm glad I was able to read both the start and the finish of Toby's predicament - I certainly hope the improvement is the end of it. I know what it's like, worrying about little ones, and about spending a great deal of money in their care. It's worth it, but another worry nonetheless. Stay healthy, Toby.

    And Tim, that's a great picture of you.

  19. Timmy, you look like a handsome ginger mancat as always! Today, try to stay on Miss Fitz's good side and thank heavens you are better!

  20. I'm late to tell you that you're looking very handsome in your selfie, Timmy😻So glad about the update on Toby❤Clean Pawkisses for a Happy Day to all of you. Stay Safe Healthy and Yourselfie🐾😚😻


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