
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Re-do Rumpy with Einstein too

Hey Rumpy what did you do with our post from the 13th?Why would I "do" anything with it?
Well, just checking. It's gone We better do it again.
If you insist. Look there's Fly Guy!

Got him! Got him!
Never Happening Butter Paws

Let me try again. Shoot, missed
Don't hold your breath Grasshopper
You are sooooo mean
You are sooooo Butter Paws

Watch this!
A swing and a... Miss!

Easy as reaching out and... WHAT?

No joy in Rumpy Town tonight. Hee, Hee
There is more way than one to catch a Fly Guy

La-tee-da-dum-diddle no interest in Fly Guy at all. Nope, nada, zilch, zippo

I can't believe it
Age and treachery will beat youth and exuberance every time!

My antagonists seem to be at it again.
I hope you stop by tomorrow for my 12th Gotcha day. There will be cake. See you then

Toby Tomcat: The Handsome Fellow
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots: Our Court Jester
Einstein: The Floofy Kid 

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved


  1. That is strange that the photos from the original post disappeared. You had fun redoing it though.

  2. you 2 are always a treat to see a second or a third or a fourth, etc, time!
    Have fun trying to catch. Looking forward to the party tomorrow.

  3. Thanks for the redo. I liked it a lot. You were working very hard beating that fly into submission.

    Have a purrfect day. My best to your dad. 😎

  4. OMC I can't keep up with all of your holidays! Hell, I can't keep up with blogging! Hell, I can't keep up with READING blogs!! Please forgive us! Loved, "Butterpaws" and Happy Belated Gotcha Day! xoxo

  5. LOVE the age and treachery saying! Always one of mine and mom's faves.

  6. I want to snorgle those tummies. We will be here for the party. XO

  7. A re-do means double the fun, if you ask us! :)

  8. Cake...we love cake, and we will be here tomorrow to celebrate. Meanwhile...good job Rumpy on finally catching that elusive toy. You two are two of the handsomest floofy cats we have ever seen. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  9. I can watch for hours to your redoes😂❤😸Clean Pawkisses for a Happy Day😸Stay safe, healthy and yourselfie🐾😚😻

  10. I lost several posts too...sheesh. Blogger had issues?? I copied the WordPress blog and put it back into Blogger...and voila, all is well once again.

    You sure had fun with that feathery teaser!

  11. Rumpy knows a trick or two, he does…

  12. That was so cute, glad you got it redone!


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