
Thursday, October 3, 2019

Thankful Timmy Tomcat

Our Purrfect Fence has arrived. The Install will begin this weekend. We are thanking our Dad.

Our soon to be Purrfect Cat Yard.

Replacing the fence and back behind the tree in front is 45'
Then the fence will go 45' to the left and back to the house
55'.  We will have about 2200 square feet of yard!
Check out those huge Sun Puddles!
Thanks Dad!

Dad says the grass is really scabby and there are only vines under the pine tree (It was cut very high up by Dads Sister for her dogs to run under.) It took 2 summers for the lawn to even come back from mud and Dad was working on the inside of the house so that was left alone. Next spring he will till the lawn and then topsoil it all and re-seed. He says we may have to stay in for a week or two at that time or maybe he will do half and half.

Timmy Tomcat: Tomcat Home Spokes Cat 

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved


  1. Can't wait to see what your Dad has in mind - more to come, right?

  2. dood.....thiz iz sew awesum !!! we canna wait ta see de finished product....
    ewe catz bee veree for chew net N popz total lee rox !! :) ♥♥

  3. How utterly fab-u-lous! You will have a great place to get those itchy-scratchies out and run run run. Oh yeah! xoxo, Bibi & Meep

  4. You are gonna be so thrilled with that cat yard but don't forget the flea meds! Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  5. OH that is FABULOUS! You have room for a Tuxie sisfur with half a mustache, right? Can I come for summer camp?

  6. That will be lovely for you when you have your fenced in yard. Freedom to roam safely in an enclosed area!
    Eric and Flynn loved it when the veg garden got tilled. If they weren't digging holes everywhere they were running around and scatting the earth all over the place.

  7. We can't wait to see the final result! Your dad is so cool.

  8. How wonderful to have a big fenced in yard!!!
    Bet that will be such fun!
    Purrs,Georgia,Julie and JJ

  9. Woot, woot! You guys are going to have one fantastic outdoor spot next summer!
    Purrs & Head Bonks,

  10. Wow ! You guys will love this ! Purrs !

  11. Wow, that's amazing! I'm looking forward to seeing you guys enjoying your new area!

  12. Oh, kitties, that sounds amazing. I already can see you all enjoying the outside. Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend to all of you🐾😽💞

  13. We are so excited for you to get your very own SAFE yard! It's a lot of work that your Dad is going through for you all so when he comes in from a tough day of working on it, make sure and give him lots of snuggles and hugs. We can't wait to see it finished!!

    Happy Friday
    Hugs, Teddy

  14. That is awesome. I wish I could put a fence up like that here.


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