
Monday, August 12, 2019

Man Cat Monday: Close Shave

Greetings friends. For Man Cat Monday Dad has asked me
to meow a little on how to keep your fur in purrfect shape

Rumpy I heard differently 

Dad said you have such a bad mat he has to cut it out

So how do you justify what you just told our friends
Would you believe Artistic License 

Timmy Tomcat: Tomcat Home Spokes Cat 
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots: Our Court Jester
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved


  1. Artistic licence or not, I bet it feels better, Rumpy.

  2. Uhoh......cutting out mats? That sounds like a necessary but icky thing to have happen. Be brave.

    Hugs, Teddy

  3. Oh yes, dematting always feels better when it's all over and done!

  4. Dear Rumpy ... sometimes my mats get so, so bad and if'n those peeples come at me with scissory things (surely you've heard of Edward Scissorhands?) well, not only do I scream but I run and hide ... well, they then decide it's time to go to the Pet Palace. Now, mind you, I don't like that place much either, but I must say, once done (and somehow they do know how to do it a little bit better than the home peeples do) ... and even tho I am admittedly a scaredy cat, I do feel a wholabunch better when I leave there, you know, kind of refreshed and pretty, it's a whole new ME! Ready to take on the world again! And I look like a Lion ... king, or queen as the case is, of the jungle. You will rule your domain, Rumpy. Go for it! Your friend, Zoey

  5. Oh Rumpy! I spent a long time yesterday, giving Sweetie some serious brushies, and she just purred and purred and rubbed her face on me, and man o-live, did I get a pile of loose fur off of her! She is a wee kitty, at least 11 years old, and living outside. I love her to pieces, and enjoyed getting all of that undercoat fur off of her.

  6. That doesn't sound like much fun but We guess it has to be done...

  7. My human has to cut mats out of Boodie sometimes - she's 18 and arthritic, so it's harder for her to keep up grooming.

  8. dood...shave anda hairz cutz knot sew bad; leest ya got it now sted oh when itz
    minuz 389 in de winter !!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ brrrrrrrrrrr ☺☺♥♥

  9. Uh oh! We think you might need to run, Rumpy!

  10. Oh Rumpy, mom has been trying to stealthily cut two mats of mine. Just a bit at a time till I squirm so badly she's afraid of hurting me. I raised holy joe palooka last time I was at the

  11. Artistic license works for me :)

  12. Dude ManCat Pals - visit my FB page and see where I get my ManCat fur trimmed

  13. Every mancat with such luxurious fur as yours, Rumpy, is bound to have a mat or two. It's a sign of lush growth.

  14. Mes had some mats in my furs, and the Mom had to brush thems out. Mes was not amused. But it does feel betters to has no mats nows. Mes bets yous feels betters nows, too!


  15. MOL. Artistic license!

    But seriously, Rumpy, sorry you had to have that mat cut out.

  16. I hope you are feeling a lot better, being freed of those constraining mats. We were thinking maybe you were going to mew about your dad shaving his beard, MOL, MOL!!!


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