
Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Valentines, So What!

The... family... is all gaa-gaa over Valentines, whoppee.
What in the world is this craziness anymeow? 

With everyone giving suggestions to Dad says he, accidentally
he says, deleted my Sunday Selfie post. I know its a plot.
Valentines. Ugh

Hey dood, yer jus bein Grumpy Rumpy.
Yeah? So What!
Ya wanna licker da icenin frum da cakers ah bakin fur tomarra?
Yeah Cat. Thanks Buddy
Doan mentionin itz *Buddy Smiles and Rumpy does too*

Buddy Budd: Elder States Cat
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots: Our Court Jester


  1. Oh boy....taste-testing icing is a REAL treat!

    Hugs, Teddy

  2. Well, you're here today, Rumpy, so that's a bonus!

  3. Licking the icing helps make up for having your post deleted.

  4. Sorry you had to to do your post all over again. Your looking fantastic. A warning to you a site is stealing content. You may want to check it out the site address is: .
    Good Luck

  5. Come to our house, Valentine's Day is NOT a big occasion here that's for sure! MOL!!

  6. That is a great selfie. Happy Valentine's Day to you all. XO


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