
Monday, February 25, 2019

Advanced Treat Management Class 202

Hello class and welcome to Advanced Treat Management 202: The Dad Pawrent.

There are many different treats but fur todays class we are
sticking to the tasty ones that can be hand fed.
Our Favs are Temptations.

You have that right Timmy. I dream of them all the time!
They are best poured on the floor and...

Rumpy. Are you teaching today?
Sowwy *Mumble, Grumble*

So. *Timmy glares at Rumpy* The idea is to train the Pawrent to maintain a steady supply of treats with only mild stimulation

As you can see I am full of treats. Thank Mew for your attention in class today. 
This summer we will have a makeup of training Class 101

Timmy Tomcat: Tomcat Home Spokes Cat 
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots: Our Court Jester
Dad Pete: Our Old Hooman

©Tomcat Commentary by Tim: All rights reserved


  1. Great class! I like my Temptations poured on a fleece blankie myself but floor works!

    Hugs, Teddy

  2. Temptations are my fave too (which you already know since you were my Secret Paws!) I love them so much that sometimes I will pretend I am not interested in eating dinner because I know if I act like that Mom will put a few treats on top of my food.......then I gobble everything down hehehe...Dad never falls for that trick but Mom falls for it EVERY SINGLE TIME! Love, Cody

  3. Bravo for treats and your yummy video too!

  4. Man! I have to do TRICKS before I get treats!

  5. You are a great teacher. You should teach a class at Cat Scouts :) XO

  6. Great class ! And you're such a sweet teacher ! Purrs

  7. YOu are a marvelous teacher! Great class!! My kitties love Temptations too!


  8. Very good lesson! :) We love Temptations too. Our Mama likes to give us healthy treats but Temptations are our favourites and since we have her well trained, we get them often! ;p

    Hope all of you and your Daddy are well! XO

    the critters in the cottage xo


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