
Friday, December 14, 2018

Buddy: No Scuzin fur Dad

Ah caint sleepin!

Dad, da Buddy Budd iz uppy setty
Why Buddy?
Yoo postin da bloggie later den later
I'm sorry Buddy. The printer died and I have been fighting
to get our Christmas Cards out.

No Scuzin Fo Yoo
Buddy I said I was sorry

Dat no cuttin da cake. Ah goin
Dont go away mad Buddy Budd

Ah jus gittin a drinkie
Yoo havin mah Treaterz reddy whenz ah git backy

Hmm. Is this really about the bloggie?
Everting bout Treaterz. Yoo knowin dat
Don't I now

Folks the printer dying has been a real pain in the tushie. We hope to be back to normal next week.

A BIG SHOUT OUT to Ann of Zoolatry for our Super Nice Header! Thank You Ann and Family

Buddy Budd
Dad Pete


  1. Meow meow Miss Ann did a pawsum header fore all of you!! It iss lovelee….
    An Buddy Budd sumtimess things happin an Hu'mans have NO control over their elecktronickss...or they sleep inn or they get sick. At leest yore here now an wee can all visit rite??
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma

  2. Treats make everything right, Buddy Budd. The header is lovely.

  3. We've got to agree, nothing better that treaties. Hope you got your treats, Buddy Budd. And we DEFINITELY understand hardware problems. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  4. Sorry about the printer :( You can always do ecards, everyone will understand.

  5. Oh Buddy Budd in the spirit of Christmas, give your Dad a break.....he's got lots to do including keep up with your treats!

    Hugs, Teddy

  6. Sorry 'bout your purrinter, but at least you got treats. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  7. When something electronic dies, it's always a bother. It's good to see you guys back again, though. And we like the wintry heading. I hope it's not implied that Timmy has to do all the hauling!

  8. Sorry your printer died...thieves stole our computer and took pawppy's IPad and his watch, too. so I guess he might have an excuse about lateness. MOL!

    I am sending plain ordinary Christmas cards this year in the snail mail, cause since my computer is gone, I cannot make any to print. Even though its still there! Sheesh. But I did manage to make a simple Ecard on some online program...nothing like the PS thing I was learning to use. Arghhh!

    Can I have some treats too, Buddy Budd?

    Maybe SantaPaws will bring your Dad a new printer?

  9. Humans!! Mine goes on vacation and leaves me with Ninja, Cinnamon, Kozmo and Jo Jo with my human brother...and when she gets back...she works for 3 weeks without a day off! Totally unacceptable (I got treats too!)
    And your blames printers...Hmmmm
    I'm glad we are back posting and visiting...(I hope)


Let us cats know what you think of our post! No hissing please.