
Friday, October 19, 2018

Armoire Antics Timmy, Toby & Rumpy Bump

Wow you made a Caterwaul Toby. Skeered are you?
Well, that Tailio of yours looks Bushed too

Just being on guard
Oh right, big brave kitty cat

You want some of this?
Just meowin. Looked like he chased you up here too

You jumped up here because that Demon was after you
No! I just wanted to check on you and... 

Whoa there he is
I'm moving back. That thing is fierce!

Keep Your Distance Demon!
No room on the Armoire fur you!
Perish the thought

After all, do I look like a Demonic Wild Kitty
Daaaaad! Oh Daaaaad!
Rumpy what have you done now?
Me? I'm just sitting here minding my own handsome self
Right. Knock it off!

Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Dad Pete


  1. You are a funny bunch, kitties! Rumpy were you being naughty...just a bit?

    Caterwaul...petcretary looked at the first picture and thought you were going to have a play on that word, by showing yourselves as a 'cat-wall'! OMC! MOL!

  2. Rumpy, were you being a bad kitty? ;-)

  3. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw Rumpy, surely they be tellin' lies on ya'? Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  4. Rumpy are you chasing everyone up to the armoire? Well, more power to you! Keep everyone on the lookout for the WRATH OF RUMPY!

    Hugs, Teddy

  5. Hehe, sometimes the cat who gets picked on picks back...


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