
Monday, September 3, 2018

Plastic Fantastic

Mmmm lookee, lookee! Do any of you like to nom...
Fantastic Plastic? Plastic is Fantastic!
Not just any old plastic but the goooood stuff.

Dad lets me chew a little now and again.
Under his snoopervision of course

Today I have two wonderful flavors:
Clear Sky
*Chew, Chewy-Chew*

And White Rapture
*Gnaw, Bitey-Chew*

Of course just giving a big *Whiffie* is good too

Dad says that's enough fur now.
I hope you enjoy a nice bit of Fantastic Plastic from time to time!

Our Dear Friend went too soon to the Clear Land

Prince Siddhartha Henry we will miss you dear friend.
Watch over us until that day we all meet again.

Timmy Tomcat 
Angel Prince Siddhartha 


  1. My human is a little relieved that none of us seem to care about plastic. It makes life simpler for her.

  2. Well I tried doing a bitey on plastic but I found bubble wrap to be more fun!

    Hugs, Teddy

  3. I can't say that I have ever found plastic to be fantastic, Timmy, but maybe that's because I am not a cat!

  4. Oh Timmy, sometimes we wonder 'bout you MOL Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena


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