
Friday, July 27, 2018

Flat on Friday

What is all this then

Be quiet Grasshopper. I'm hiding

Funny Rumpy
*Paw Action*

Missed me you silly

*Squeeze, Push, Struggle*
Ha! Your'e stuck. Why go in there anymeow?

If you must know I am worried Dad will take me back
to the Stabby Vet. I feel better so there is no need.

Wow my little round protege that really is a squeeze
Maybe you should be the Grasshopper
What's that?

Dad here. No results yet on Rumpy's aspiration. Calling later today and will keep you posted. 

Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Dad Pete


  1. Wow, ya can really flatten yourself out!

  2. That was amazing, did you evfur even get in there! What a squeeze, MOL!

    I sure hope your Dad gets a good report.

  3. How did you ever fit in there?

  4. Ditto here. Just how the hell did you even get in there?? Here's to hoping for a good positive report.

  5. Keeping our paws cross that all is good for Rumpy.
    Love the Houdini act - disappearing in that skinny box is quite a feat. Purrs, Meep

  6. That was a tight squeeze! I hope the results are good.

  7. Bumpy, we cannot believe you stuffed yourself into that skinny box. In fact we cannot even figure out how you did it. Purrs, prayers and POTP coming your way and hoping for good news. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  8. Ya'll are adorable. Don't worry Rumpy, we're sendin' hugs and purrayers.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  9. MOL...little Rumpy flatscreen...MOL :D We hope that no news is good news <3 Pawkisses for a Happy Healthy Weekend :) <3

  10. Rumpy it's amazing you were able to get in that teeny space to hide! You know it's impawtant that you see the doc when you aren't feeling well so don't hide. We are all hoping you get a good report - sending you lots of POTP and happy you are feeling better!

    Hugs, Teddy

  11. They really should have known by then. Please keep us apprised.

  12. You are just adorable!
    We are sending good wishes you...

    Noodle and crew


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