
Sunday, April 29, 2018

Sunday Selfie: Handsome Toby

Please visit The Cat on My Head to see all our pals
Great Selfies

Hi Friends. That Sleek, Shiny Furred and Very Handsome
House Panfur Toby here.
I know I did a Sunday Selfie a couple of weeks ago, but...
It showed that Anomaly: My White Whisker

As I wait fur that tiny, insignificant, minuscule thing to fall out...
Here is my True Visage in all its Handsomeness!
Hey Toby, you are going white on your left too! 
What? No! That is only a trick of the light
Err, alright dood

Toby Tomcat
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots


  1. Toby, dude! Embrace that white whisker. Our Gracie has them, too, and she looks FAB!

  2. Toby mee has single white furss inn mee ferst they freeked mee out! Now mee sorta likess them. They make mee u-neek! An you are a u-neek an hansum mankat toby!
    Lookin mitey fine!
    ***Hi-5'sss*** Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

  3. Those white whiskers bring out your black, sleek handsomeness, Toby! So be purroud of them! They make you, YOU!

  4. Toby, my furr-iend, don't be embarrassed by those few white strands for they mark you as a distinguished gentleman cat. Be proud of those marks, 'cause you earned them for all your wisdom and greatness over the years. Winks! -Valentine (& Mom) of Noir Kitty Mews

  5. A white whisker is a mark of distinction, Toby.

  6. Binga is proud of her three white whiskers! She says they mean she is boss and everyone has to defer to her.

  7. Don't worry, Toby, the white whiskers look beautiful on you...and I have them too, so there's really nothing to worry about...MOL :D Pawkisses for a wonderful day :) <3

  8. Oh Toby, mommy worries 'bout those white hairs growin' on her head too. MOL Don't worry big guy, we think you're handsum with your white whisker. Big hugs

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena


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