
Friday, April 13, 2018

Friday with Fitz: Sorry Toby

I am her comfurting my Boy Toy, Handsome Toby.
See his Birfday is tomorrow and we were going to
have his pawty today but...

Dad has been crushed at work. He has been beat.
Rumpy had HIS Pawty
I know Toby. We wanted a double Birfday week but
we love Dad too, right

Yeah. Sure its not because of it being Friday the 13th?
Yes Toby

How about a little snuggle to make up fur it
Really? All Better! Purrrrrrr
See you next Friday fur Toby's 11th Birfday

Be here Friday April 20th or be out of the fun!

Toby Tomcat
Miss Fitz
Dad Pete


  1. dood....we wood likez ta wish ewe a most happee birthday two day even tho yur parteez next week coz de food servizz gurl will bee off line next fryday.....heerz two a soooooooooper grate day, N joy, eat sum mackerull & heerz two a yeer a head filled with happeez N healtheez ♥♥♥♥♥

  2. Happy Birthday Toby - you have plenty of furiends who love you. And Dad will be making it up to you, since you can help him by understanding how tired he is. (My birthday is close to Christmas so I sorta know how you feel !)

  3. Aaaaaaaaaaw Toby, you're one handsum mancat. Fitzy, you sure are a lucky lady. happy early birthday Toby. We know that even tho' uncle Pete's tired and all beat up from the work, he's got somethin' really special planned fur ya'. You're too special not to get the bestest. We luv you very much and don't worry, we'll be here. Raena's birthday's next Caturday and she won't get to celebrate on her big day either. Sometimes our humans just have stuffs that get in the way of our plans. But, they always seem to make it up to us. Besides, look'it you're bootfyl lady cat. She luvs you very much. Big hugs fur all and special kitty kisses fur you Toby.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  4. Toby, cheer up. Half the time our mom doesn't even remember when our birthdays are. We'll celebrate next week, and in the meantime, Happy Birthday!

  5. I'll be at BlogPaws next Friday, but I'll still make sure to pop by for your birthday, Toby!

  6. Your birthday catabration will be pawsome no matter when it will be...and Toby, I sent you a card in your Dad's you have not been pushed aside...
    Sorry that your dad has to be so can be lie that sometimes. He loves you and all your furblings, so he know to get you the noms and treats and other things a furmily needs...and purrsents, Toby, purrsents!

    I will be purring for ya, Toby!
    Happy Birthday to YOU!

  7. Happy Birthday Toby ! We're sorry to hear that Dad Pete has so much to do, but we bet he's planning a pawsome pawty for you ! Purrs

  8. Well sorry your party will be late BUT you know what? Everyone knows it's your birthday and it doesn't really matter what DAY you celebrate as much as you celebrate still being here in this life in your happy home with your Dad and your furrramily. You wait and see - next week will come quickly and it will be time to PAR-TAY! Meanwhile....HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

    Love, Teddy

  9. We're sorry that Dad Pete's work is so tough right now. But we will come to your party, Toby!


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