
Sunday, March 4, 2018

Sunday Selfies: Buddy Rememberz

Hey frenz. Maker surez ya visitin The Cat on My Head ta
see'z all dem Sunday Selfies

Ah been thinkin bout Kali. She waz da bestizt Check out
mah poster: Buddy Celebrates Kali's Life!

Buddy Budd
Kali  From The Canadian Cats


  1. We loved your tribute to Kali. So inventive. And sweet! Have a great Sunday!

  2. Kali was one great lady and will I know be dearly missed by all, not least yourself, Buddy. Such a fine tribute to her, and one that with your memories will keep her there with you all the time, in your heart.
    Toodle pips and gentle purrs

  3. Kali was a beauty and a great girl too,xx Speedy

  4. We know you miss your sweetie, hugs from all of us.

  5. Handsome Buddy, that's a nice selfie. And what a lovely tribute you did for sweet Angel Kali.

  6. Great selfie ! We know you miss your sweet Kali. Purrs

  7. Buddy, we were touched so much by your tribute to Kali. You are a very thoughtful guy. By the way, that selfie is wonderful. If Kali were here she'd be all mushy over it. She's probably looking at you and telling all the angels how wonderful you are.

    Shoko and mom

  8. You did a wonderful tribute to your sweetheart.

    The Florida Furkids

  9. Kali was a wonderful girl. And you are a sweet boy, I love the tribute you made for her. XO

  10. What a beautiful tribute.
    Have a lovely weekend...

    Noodle and crew

  11. We miss Kali too. She was such a beautiful lady cat.

  12. Buddy Budd, we all know how hard it is to lose the one you love. We are with you today remembering Kali. She was a sweetie and so much fun. Just know that you will be together again. Thanks for hopping. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  13. Oh Buddy we are so sorry for your loss.
    Kali was a indescribable! A Really bright light and we will miss her terribly at our house

  14. Buddy, you are a true gentlecat. We send condolences on your loss. Such a live is made in heaven.

  15. Oh, sweetie, we feel how you miss your sweet angel. Double Soft Pawkiss for you my furriend <3 <3 <3

  16. Buddy Budd wee are trulee sorry that Kali gurl went to Pure Land. Mee knows what it iss to LUV an lose thee kittygurl of yur dreemss. If you need to mee-yow mee iss here fur you!!!
    ***paw patsss*** Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

  17. That is a lovely selfie in memory of Kali.


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