
Saturday, March 25, 2017

Joining the Bacon Harvest

Hi Friends, come along with us on a Caturday Adventure!

Lets get our gear ready as it's that time of year again when those special plants are ready fur harvest. They went from small smiling seedlings, to tender shoots and then happy little plants. 

They then grew into fine Slabs of Bacon just waiting to pick! 
Timmy this is so exciting. It sure is Dora. 
Sammy and Teddy of One Spoiled Cat have invited
us and other friends to help with the harvest.

Toby this will be such fun. I hope we fill our baskets to the top.
We surely will my sweet Fitz, we are a super team. 

Einie I am so ready for the harvest, how about you Kali.
As long as I am with my big Bloo Buddy Budd I am ready fur anything. I am super happy Buddy, Tee-Hee.  Aww, shucks Kali mah sweetz. You making me blushin Ho Ho Ho... Einie we have a couple fun lovin gals brofur 'o' mine. We sure do brofur Buddy Budd. These Canadian Cats are the Best!
Yessir, they is!

When we'z get ta pickin our gals did a gud gud gud job.
Aw Buddy you are so nice to me. You betcha Kali.
Shoko you really did great too. Thanks Einie. Lets see
how Timmy and the others did!

I have my basket full Timmy. Thanks Dora, remember we
get to keep half. We will be eating good this weekend.
Toby we can lay around and nibble bacon, and each other... hee hee... Oh Fitz you make my man-cat blood boil! Calm down you two. You are heating up the greenhouse MOL. You two
sure are full of excitement Hee Hee

Teddy and Angel Sammy we had a wonderfur time today.
We took our Bacon share and hung the rest in the barn.
I really loved picking the Hickory smoke flavored. Mmmm
that was such fun to pick Einie!
Hee Hee nomming some
as we picked was sooo much fun.
Kali yoo really can
pick Bacon. 

Thanks to Dora from Cat Scouts for joining me today.
I had a great time Timmy
My sweet Shoko was here. And it was such fun Einie 
And mah Kali Yessir! They both frum da Canadian Cats
We sure are my big handsome Bloo Man-Cat Tee Hee

Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Miss Fitz
Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Mr Buttons


  1. You all worked SO HARD at the Harvest! Thanks for helping out because it meant the harvest went faster than we thought - more time to SNACK!!! Sure was a lot of fun with all our friends there to help.

    Big Hugs, Angel Sam and Teddy

  2. I have never seen cats work so hard! Good job!

  3. Wasn't that harvest a blast! And we got to see Teddy crowned as the new King of Baconia. We sure hope this becomes an annual event. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  4. You are all great bacon harvesters and you look fantastic all dressed up.

  5. Mee-you lookss like youss' had so much fun!!!
    Sorry mee missed thee harvest....
    Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


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