
Monday, October 17, 2016

Mr B Fits to a T!

Mmmm, Dad that sure is nice, Purrrrrrrr

Can I ask you something
Sure B what's on your mind

It's kind of purrsonal and comes up this time of year...
Meow no more. You are worried about stacking up as a good Halloween kitty against Toby.
That's it Dad, you are a one sharp cat psychologist.

My brofur is the top Halloween Cat of all time.
How can I compete

B when I rub your belly you get all happy and knead away
with great scary claws, just look down buddy.

Wow they are really sharp and scary looking Dad 
They sure are B-Boy

Add in those wonderful Halloween eyes and you
are the real deal!  You fit Halloween Cat to a T!

Let me try out a scary look fur the camera
Wow, I almost want to scream LOL

Thanks Dad I feel better now
Good, how about a nice fuss

What was that all about? I don't get it
Its an Around Halloween Black-Man-Cat thing Miss Fitz

Miss Fitz
Mr Buttons


  1. You are an awesome Halloween kitty, Mr. Buttons!

  2. Ya duz make a pawsome Meowloween kitty!

  3. A guy appreciates a little reassurance once in a while, right Mr. B?

    Hugs, Sammy

  4. That's a scary look, Mr Buttons; you're a great Hallowe'en cat - even if we know you're actually a softy.

  5. Mistur Buttone yur a FEERCE Hallowe'en Kat no doubt about it!!!!!
    RRRAWWRR!!! An tho e clawss are purrfeckshun!
    **nose bumpsss** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxx

  6. You're a pawsome Halloween Black Cat, Mr Buttons ! Purrs

  7. MeOW Those sure are some pawsumly scary sharp claws ya' got there. Mom,my says she'd be terrified fur sure. We think you be very handsum, scary claws and all. Big hugs all 'round. Ya'll have a pawsum day.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  8. That is a really fierce Halloween look, Mr Buttons.

  9. dood....we haz all noed each other for like 78 yeerz N even WE waz scared oh yur eye feerce nezz !!!!! awesum job dood !!!!! ♥♥♥☺☺☺

  10. You make the purr-fect Halloween cat Mr. B - very handsome and mysterious ... not to mention the claws!

  11. You are a purrfect Halloween kitty :)

  12. We think you are going to be a wonderfur black Cat that rocks the Halloween stuff purrfectly!

  13. I think you are purrfect for a Helloween kitty, Mr Buttons. You only need a pointed hat, like Granny's...MOL :D Pawkisses for a Happy Day to all of you :) <3

  14. You got the Halloween Kitty thing down pat!


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