
Friday, October 14, 2016

Friday with Fitz: My BMC Toby

Hi friends. I sure hope you saw all the fun we had at the big
Nip and Silvervine Log Pawty on Wednesday.
Thanks again to Dezi, Raena and Mom A!
It was such fun but my Best Man Cat Toby really enjoyed the vine! He is so handsome and that is why I love him so.
He makes my heart beat like a drum. Just look at him, sigh...

Meow you can cut a paw on those cheekbones!

Yes even wild Einstein does not pull any guff with my Toby.
He is tough as nails and sweet as fresh cream

Look at that shiny fur and claws like razors

Oh my beating heart what a Man Cat!

He is cute and playful too. Purrrrrr
My kitty mind boggles at his, his, everything!
Is that you sweet?

Yes my BMC 
You are my BLT

Oh Toby you are so romantic!

Whispers:Buddy why does she like being called a sandwich?
Whispers:Dat notta sandwhicher Buttonz. It Best Lady Terror! Fitzer likez dat MOL

Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Miss Fitz
Mr Buttons


  1. Oh, Toby, you steel the show in this one...MOL :D We love your header...MOL...A toast french cheese for me please...MOL :D Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend :) <3

  2. Toby is very handsome. No wonder you love him so much, Fitz.

  3. I loves the BLT, you old romantic you! purrs ERin

  4. Mee-you Toby mee wantss to bee as mitey as you when mee all growed uppy!!!! Why do you like Silvervien so-o much?? mee not like anyfing that other katss like! Weerd huh???
    An yur new Header iss PAWSUM!! Mistur Pete as a Hot Doggie!!! LadyMum sayss hee iss berry cute....(shee REELLY said that!!!!)
    An all of you look grate inn yur costumes....
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxx

  5. Aaaaaaaaaw You are so sweet Fitz and yes dat Toby is quite handsum. We're so glad ya'll enjoyed da vine. We luv our sticks too, Raena can play with them fur hours at a time. Mommy says dat's da bestest dollar she ever spent. MOL We're sendin' big hugs to all of you includin' unvle Pete. Fanks again fur all your help. Hope ya'll have a great weekend.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  6. Those two are a match made in... Well, somewhere...

  7. And I didn't notice the new header at first. It's great! I love Rumpy as mayonnaise. Let's hope someone licked out the jar, first.

  8. doodz & fitz....we iz crackin up at yur lee total lee TOTAL LEE awesum ...984 paws UP !!! ☺☺☺♥♥♥

    heerz two a pineapple fish kinda week oh end ~~~~~~~ ♥♥♥

  9. We love your Halloween header ! You're a handsome mancat, Toby ! Purrs

  10. Toby is a handsome house panther. And I love your Halloween header-your Dad is very creative.

  11. Toby is quite the mancat. But can he hold his nip and vine??

  12. We did not realize that Fitz and Toby were an item! What a handsome couple!!

  13. Ooohhhh! Romance is in the air, MOL! The BLT kitty truly even goes with the new header, Purrfect!!

    Um...and she *is* the bacon up there, MOL!!


Let us cats know what you think of our post! No hissing please.