
Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Miss Fitz has Impawtent Mews

MOL I have Timmy's Nanner and am getting it full of my cat spit MOL

Whu-oh... What was I supposed to remember??

It was really really impawtent

I was... I was... Awww nip noodle kaboodle I furget.
Ooo my Scratcher is calling me!

Thanks Dad for minding my modesty
We are having a Big Huge Event on Friday Miss Fitz
Oh right, got that friends! Be here or be not here MOL
Sorry Dad I couldn't resist
Be here you cats or Fitz will come a-visiting!

Miss Fitz


  1. my stars girl, even if the boys are asleep or doing stupid boy stuff, you can bet I'll be here...hugs from dai$y =^..*= ♥♥♥♥

    1. Dai$y I am so glad you will be by so we can both talk in really really long sentence interspersed with with cute things that will be easily understood by other lady cats but will leave the boys spinning such as love your long and strong whiskers my girl friend and they will be flashing to all this weekend well as I meowed I hope to see you on Friday and then we shall be all there my gal

  2. Such a beautiful girl you are, Miss Fitz. We don't see nearly enough of you on here!

  3. Miss Fitz, we are always glad to see you, dear lady! You need to keep those boys you live with IN CHECK!

  4. Wonder what's up, Miss Fitz :D Pawkisses for a Happy Day :) <3

  5. We'll be here Miss Fitz! Hope you didn't get in trouble for all that drool on the nanner!

    Hugs, Sam

  6. Aaaaaaaw Fitz you be lookin' so purretty. We's sure Timmy won't mind a little sisfur spit. Me never minded sis Lexi's spit. You almost make it too temptin' to not be here Furiday. We would luv Fitzy to come visit us. Y she could even stay awhile and dat would be just fine with all of us. Hope ya'll are havin' fun.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Raena

  7. Oh-Oh, we think we have been remiss and missed to go and be know, better late than nevfur! MOL!


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