
Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Buddy: On Guard / En Gard

Ah be walkin on da cat walk one day

Ah Buddy Budd so don't youz git in mah way

Ya watchin what ya say

When ah come rounder yer way

Hoo!Whut all diz den?
Oh no!

Whut yoo doin Toberz?
Buddy I am not hurting anything here and...
Oh realliez! En Gard!
What is that you... AHHH

Ha! Ah knowz how ta whack ya inna ferign languager Toberz
Buddy aren't you past your nap time

Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd


  1. You can stalk the whole room that way, Buddy!! What a great cat walk you all have there:)
    We are jealous, too, MOL!

  2. MOL, Buddy, nobody better get in your way!

  3. Oh wow, what a fine catwalk you haz.

  4. You look like you mean business, Buddy! :-) I love the way you're stalking around the catwalk.

  5. Everybody needs to keep out of your way or pay the price, Buddy.

  6. MOL MOL goodness me that's some mighty fine stalking techniques there Buddy! poor Toby has no chance MOL..great to see you and sorry our staff have had us offline for like forever!! paw pats Dinnermintz and gang xxx

  7. Aaaaaaaaaaw Did you get whacked Toby? Glad yous feelin' so good Buddy. Keep up da good work. With you on patrol we know yous furmily has nuffin' to worry 'bout. We sendin' lots of purrayers fur you all.

    Luv ya'


  8. That is such a great catwalk. It is nice to see you having fun Buddy.

  9. Bwa! Haa!! Haaa!!! Everybody there knows whos boss at your place!!!

  10. We can see you mean business, Buddy Budd. Clear the catwalk! Buddy is coming through!

  11. Now boys - there's plenty of room for everybody up there!!

    Hugs, Sammy

  12. Uh oh! Toby, you better stay out of Buddy Budd's way... he is serious! MOL! Have fun on your cat walk, furiends, and thank you so much for the birthday wishes and wonderful card for Sampson! <3

  13. dood....ewe total lee knead ta tern thiz inta a song ♫♪♫♫♫♪♫♪

    & buddy...dood.. hope ewe iz feelin fit & fine ♥

    heerz two a ham samich, dino eggz, happee easturr, kinda week oh end !! ►◄►◄►◄►◄

  14. Buddy, you can be en gard, but you can also live and let live. There's plenty of cat-walk to go around.

  15. Ahhhh yes, the old territorial instincts coming out Buddy. Can't say I blame you. I do the " en gard " with TKS

  16. Looks as if Buddy-Budd is feeling a bit better. We like seeing that. Maybe Toby doesn't, though. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


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