
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Them That Can, Does!

Oh My Cat... Timmy will you look at that!

Goodness, I see what you mean...

What's up?
Look down there Toby

Wow, I would never have thought...
It's, it's, it's I don't know what

Hey Fella's. What is all this then?
Take a look Einstein

Goodness Catness!

It boggles the mind
He should act his age
I can't believe he did that
It may shock Fitz so maybe warn her Toby
Amen to that Buttons

Whut dey allz cattin bout iz dey Jelluz uf Buddy Budd gittin
dis nice boxer

Get a box that fits Buddy Budd
Ah hearz ya clear Toberz
Be reddy fur yer Holidayz Smackin!

Timmy Tomcat
Toby Tomcat
Buddy Budd
Mr Buttons


  1. That box does fit you perfectly... not sure how long you'll be keeping it, though!

  2. All we know is that you fit in that box purrfectly, Buddy.

    Thank you so much for your kindness in the wake of Moosey’s passing. He was a very special boy, and we love and miss him dearly. The outpouring of love and support by our friends has been such an encouragement during this difficult time.

  3. dood...ya fitz in ther fine...if maru can squish hiz self inta a tinee box....ewe can two !!!♥♥♥

  4. Aaaaaaaw We fink yous box is just purrfect. No box is too big or too small fur a cat. Y'all have a wunnerful day.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  5. Buddy appears to be observant and ready to "carpe diem!!" Very nice box to preen in.

  6. Buddy Buud, That box is a purrefct fit, and you did a great job snagging it before anybody else got it. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  7. Looks like a PURRRRFECT fit to me!

    Hugs, sammy

  8. A box that's comfy is a box that fits, right, Buddy?

  9. Alrighta...looks like the gang is having a great time, love it! Mr. Cheddar and I are so pleased to meet you too. And we hope you'll luvvvvvv Mr. C's new eBook a lot! We have three blogs, that's why I'm signed in at my Blogger blog right now. Thanks for stopping in at Veggies....

    Purrrfect hugs and headbonks back at ya! G and Mr. Cheddar

  10. PS Your header is just amazing! ;-)

  11. Don't listen to them Buddy, it's a perfect fit!

  12. Buddy Buud, you take any box you want. So hat if some furs spill over a tiny bit


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