
Monday, December 7, 2015

Buddy Budd: Don't mind if ah does!

Hey Dad whutcha got dere anyhoo

Let me snag meeself a friez
*Nom Nom Nom*

Hold on dar! Whut diz - Chick-hen nugglets
 Don't mind if ah does!
*Nom Nom Nom*

Hey diz a biggun! Yessir!
*Nom Nom Nom*

What is all this then Buddy?
Nuttin Rumperz, all et up

Buddy Budd
Rumpy Bump
Dads Dinner


  1. MOL! What a great snag in the noms department!! Raw diet?? Yuppers! MOL!!

  2. French fries? My human had fish and chips the other night and I didn't get any of the chips! Actually I didn't even get the fish! Grrrr...

  3. First come, first served, as far as cats are concerned, eh, Buddy?

  4. Fry treats! And are those... *swoons* Chicken nugget bits? What a treat!

  5. Yum yum yum ! What a tasty treat ! Purrs

  6. MOL Oh Buddy we luv furench furies. they be so nommy. Weez not ever had chicken nuggets, but they do look nommy. Enjoy and we won't tell anypawdy else yous had sum. MOL Hope you all have a blest day.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  7. ba jezuz dood...say it iznt sew...N rite in front oh R eyez......deer cod in heavenz......


  8. Looks like the early bird caught the worm! Better luck next time, Rumpy!! Good work, Buddy!

  9. MOL, dinner thief! Star used to like chicken nugglets, but I 'pealed' them for her, you get the breading, lucky kitty!

  10. WOW! Your Dad is generous with his food.

  11. Buddy Budd, our mom thinks you are one spoiled kitty. We say you are just getting the noms you deserve. Great job at snagging that fry and the chick-hen! Our humans don't eat fast food. Pffft! We know even if they did, they wouldn't give us any. Double Pffft! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


Let us cats know what you think of our post! No hissing please.