
Monday, November 30, 2015

Much to do fur Christmas

There is so much to do. Once Thanksgiving is over it
is time fur Christmas. Oh my look at those toes

I had better get to work.
*Lickity Lick Lick*

A little bit to finish up
*Lick Lick Lick*
Done and looking good!

Todays work is done.
I better ask Dad to wake me in time fur Christmas

Timmy Tomcat


  1. MOL, clean paws are important for Santa!

  2. Ha! I have TWO cat shows left to do before Christmas! My human and I don't have a moment of down time.

  3. Clean as a whistle and not a fur out of pawlace,
    Now you're all ready for
    The Santa Paws Race!!

    (An imaginary race meowmy thinks...MOL!)

  4. See? Now that's why we like you so much. You are a "let's get this done" kind of boy!

  5. Napping til Christmas sounds like a good plan to us!

  6. It is hard work making sure we are always in tip top condition, Timmy.

  7. You are prepared :) Looking good Timmy.

  8. Aaaaaw Timmy you always look handsum. No work required. We luv Christmas too. All da lights and seein' what our furiends get and how much fun they have. We can't wait.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  9. What a good job, Timmy. Mau says that Scouts should have a toe washing merit badge. Concats on your and Einstein's purrmotions. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  10. now that is the perfect way to get ready for Christmas

  11. We cats are ALWAYS busy......sometimes keeping ourselves beautiful and sometimes "helping" our humans but always busy!!!!!

    Love, Sammy

  12. It's nothing but stress, stress, stress, eh Timmy! MOL

  13. One must look one's best for a holiday party, I say. So good job!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie


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