
Monday, September 21, 2015

Having a Ball in Bed

So my friends you know I love sleeping with Dad under the...

Hey! Miss Fitz! What is all this then?

You take up too much room Timmy.
How can I tell where the bed starts and you end.

Well if you are going to be that way about it Miss Fitz
Dad has the solution
Yeah what? A quilt?

No, a Ball. Dad got me a Oskar and Klaus Cat Ball Bed.
Friends there is a sale going on this week!

I love my Cat Ball Bed and jumped right inside to nap.

If you are nice Miss Fitz I will share my Cat Ball Bed with you
Goodnight Timmy
Goodnight Miss Fitz

Timmy Tomcat
Miss Fitz


  1. That catball bed looks furry comfy , Timmy !
    Happy Monday :)

  2. That looks like a great way for a lot less stepping-on to happen.

  3. Aaaaaw Timmy yous so cute. Dat's a puretty pawsum lookin' bed. Fitz wuld be lucky to share it wiff ya'. Have a gweat day.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  4. dood..thiz bed iz de kewlest....high paws ta popz !!!! ♥♥♥

  5. You are having a ball Timmy..and i think sharing with Miss Fitz is a super nice for Dad in there ? Mol...Paw pats Dinnermintz xx

  6. That cat ball looks super cool! A great bed indeed! Enjoy, furiends!

  7. That looks comfy. I think it takes up more space on the bed though than just you Timmy :)

  8. We love our Cat Ball too. Though we haven't tried putting it on the bed. We'll have to try that.

  9. Hey - that's a mighty fine bed! Great shape, nice and cozy......SUPER!!!!

    Hugs, sammy

  10. Mew look soooo comfy and there is no place like bed!!! MOL


    Basil XOX

  11. Oh, a Cat Ball ! We have one and we love it. How cool ! What a nice bed for you ! Purs

  12. Oh Timmy, I've got one similar to that, but I don't ever go into it much to the human's disgust! teehee !!!!

  13. Your new bed is so cool Timmy! I don't sleep in things that cover my head....I have a tent and I go in when it gets real cold out but not often. You look like that bed was made for you.


  14. Timmy, that really looks like a great new bed. Did Miss Fitz decide to join you? Mom complains that we take up way too much room in the bed, especially as most of us sleep on her side. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


Let us cats know what you think of our post! No hissing please.