
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Where the Fun Is!

I'm bored Fitz. What is there to do?
I have no idea Timmy. Let me ask.

Hey Einstein, anything fun going on.
Nah, same old, same old.

Maybe there is some fun in here, darn, nothing fur a cat.
Whats that Dad? Why sure, lets GO!

I will make short work of you shiny thingie!

You think you can escape the paws of steel

Guess again, shiny! Your days are numbered!

Hah, another foe vanquished!

You kids need to watch your elders to know about FUN!
He has a point Einstein.
Yep, sure does. Well done Cat Scout Timmy.
Speaking of fun, I know where we can go for some big fun!

We wish you dear furend Lexi a Happy Sweet 16th
Birthday! Visit her at Dezi's World

Lets go evfurryone, off to Lexi's Pawty!
Gangway Man-Cats let a gal through to see her *BFF
Git a movin dere
Hey I'm going
Is there going to be nip?
Come on and move

Timmy Tomcat
Miss Fitz's *Best Feline Furend
Buddy Budd
Toby Tomcat
Rumpy Bump Stumpnots
Mr Buttons


  1. OMC Timmy yous got sum moves. Yous kuld be a contortionist wiff those moves. And yep there's nip and sivervine boff. See ya at da pawrty and fank you again fur da cawd.

    Lubz ya'

    Lexi and Dezi

  2. When things get dull, have a party - or go to one!

  3. That shiny toy didn't stand a chance!

  4. pawsome hunting skills Timmy,xx Speedy

  5. A cat can always have fun when there's a caring human about.

  6. doodz & fitz....lexi's partee sounds like fun...we will see ewe ther & hope herz got a LOTTA NIP !!!! ♥♥♥

  7. That toy didn't have a chance ! Purrs

  8. Wow! That does look fun!
    Have a great Wednesday...

    Noodle and crew

  9. Thank COD Dad busted out that toy! Your day turned out to be pretty fun, eh? :)

  10. Is that "da bird"? My kitties have a shiny attachment that looks like that, but I haven't tried it yet.

  11. I'm impressed of your moves, Timmy..MOL :D Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend :) <3


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