
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Another day, another...

Whut yoo up too Rumpy'z
Nothing Buddy

Just hanging out with my pal Buddy
Exactlyz... Whut up?

Buddy! I am Shocked, Shocked I meow you!
Ah thinkin you fibbin
Why is that my dear pal?

Yer jaw movin
Ouchie! That hurt Buddy Budd. And here I thought we were pals
Well... Alright then. Yoo can sit with Buddy Budd

When I say be ready to go fur it!

Go for his tail NOW Buttons

Ah knowz whut ya up to Buttons, Rumperz. Buddy not grow
up yersterdayz!
He put me up to it Buddy. He promised me a treat.
Curses, foiled again!

Gotta git up purrty early ta pull a tricky on Buddy Budd
Ah well, another day, another plot foiled


Hey furens, hope ya know me an da Rumpy get along good but play fur da posts.
You bet Buddy, and we want to have a lot of fun this holiday season getting and sending snail and e cards with our blogging pals. 
So if you would like send us your email and address with the comment link on the Right. We will not share this with anyone else.


Rumpy Bump
Mr Buttons 
Buddy Budd


  1. Yeah, I think Binga and Sparkle got along better than it looked on the blog.

  2. What a fun crew y'all are!! Dad especially loves the glowing eyes beneath the table. Good day to you all..

  3. Guys we have missed your shenanigans while chumming the hard yards always make us laff :) watch them laser beamers Buddy...loves Fozziemum xx

  4. Buddy, we Russian Blues certainly were not born yesterday...we are hyper sensitive to all actions around us...especially those intending to snatch a whiff of our tail!

    PeeEss there is a Christmas card exchange organized through Cats With Blogs FB Group. Wanna join? I will get you in

  5. Sometimes cats' play can look pretty rough, but we know it's all in fun.

  6. We know it all in good fun, right guys?

  7. doodz and fitz ! ...lookin for werd ta gettin a Christmas card frum ewe; N buddy....nice werk dood !! ♥

  8. You are always getting up to something. Never a dull moment. I have emailed you.

  9. Hehehehe! You all are always so entertaining!

  10. MOL! It's always something with you two. :)

  11. MOL! We know you all love each other, and that you're just having fun. Right? :)

  12. Rumpy, you got that paw dangle down to a science. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  13. It's all fun, right ? We're looking forward for Chrissymouse and cards and all the Santa stuff too ! Purrs

  14. That address we sent you last year is the same. But we can resend if necessary.

    You kitties are so funny in how you play! Or tease...MOL!

  15. SNEAKY! One of the finer traits of us kitties!

    Hugs, Sammy

  16. You all are always have a fun time over there. :)
    The Christmas card thing sounds fun! We will sign up for sure. Send us your address too, and we will send you a card!

  17. LOVE seeing you and what you're thinking! xxoo

  18. Well we may hav figgered out how to comment, but weez not know what comment link yous talkin' 'bout. But weez sent it fwu cat scouts, so weez guess Nibbler will send yous ow addwess, and yous hav ow email. Weez will only be duin' email ones cuz weez not hav da gween papers fur snail mail. Anyways, cute posty, glad yous get along.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  19. Well dun Buddy Budd...ya nose da score...poor Buttonz waz set up ;)
    Rumpy waz diz YER idea??? MOL!
    Lub Nylablue n Mum too x0x0x0x0x0

  20. Timmy, thanks for the Philly Panda comment at DashKitten. We are not giving up hope. Anyhting you can do to help would be wlecomed!


Let us cats know what you think of our post! No hissing please.