
Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Where can it be?

Before we start our post please send some purrs to our pal Flynn.
Click his photo to visit. Thanks so much

Drat... where is it? Where can it be?

Did you see it Fitz?
What Timmy?
You know

Oh right. Check the Critter TV
Nope... I am going to the other one.

Is it up with you Einstein?
Nope. Not up here Fitz

A-HA... Got it!
Where Fitz? I don't see...

Right here! Can't you see! It's October 1st so lets run over to Savannah's Paw Tracks!

Miss Fitz


  1. I can't wait to go over there and see what's up!

  2. When are she gonna tell us what's up?

  3. I wonder what it is. Gotta go check out!

  4. secrets now Miss Fitz. THank you for joining the blog hop. In order for me to be able to add your comments on a post to the donation amount, your blog post must be about a Paw It Forward story...then any comments on that post will be included in Mom L's final commentathon count toward the donation amount. All the instructions are in my blog post today...and I know there is an awful lot to read, so sorry...hope you will join with a Paw It Forward Post, paw hugs, Savvy

  5. I love what Savannah is doing. You have the nicest house with so many walkways. Thanks for coming to the 15andmeowing party yesterday.

  6. It is great what Savvy is doing for the kitties who are not as lucky as us. Thank you for purring for me.

  7. MOL Me fawt yous all wuz lookin' fur da tee vee wemote. MOL But yous all look gweat.

    Luv ya'


  8. Love your kitty highway! We love Savvy's new look!

  9. We've seen what Savvy is up to...and we hope everybuddy else will head over there to see too!

  10. Well dun Miss Fitz!!!!
    N we haz bin goin over to Flynn'z reguler like n leevin 'guud werdz' fer him...poor boy...we wantz him back to healthee ASAP!
    Much lub n grateetude ;)
    Nylablue n Mum too x0x0x0x0x0

  11. You found it!!! Great job! Savannah really is doing some wonderful things.

  12. That is the regular kitty super highway. We have never seen so many of you on the catwalk at one time. What's the max number there at one time? XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


Let us cats know what you think of our post! No hissing please.