
Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Our Trip to Niagara Falls

Hey furends, we are heading to Niagara Falls for the Blog-O-Sphere trip fur 2014. 

We will also be heading over to meet up with our Tabby Cat Club furends. Thanks to GracieSammy and Raz for hosting.
Now lets go.

Einstein, Buttons, Buddy, Rumpy, Toby hold it
Very nice photo, thanks

Pretty nice up here Miss Fitz. What a view!
Sure is Timmy. Pssst, let's get Rumpy to ride a barrel
over the falls.

That may be dangerous Fitz
My thoughts exactly

Gee fellows you know back in the day cats would ride over the fallis in a barrel.
No way ah wouldin be doing dat fur sure
Well Buddy, I don't think you would fit in the barrel. They were lean mean nimble Man-cats like, umm, Rumpy.
Really. You think I'm lean, mean and nimble Miss Fitz?
Sure do Rumpy. Well my, my, look here. Someone has left a barrel to ride over the falls. Why don't you...
Hold on I don't think...
Oh Sorry I didn't know you were afraid!
Me, afraid, never, let me in there... gulp...
Buddy help me roll this over to the water
Sure thing Miss Fitz. Mah Pleasure. See ya Rumperz!

*Buddy gives a BIG Push*
Oh Meow it's a long way

Hey Lookit Rumperz!
That is one big fall over a waterfall
Will he make it?
Any cats guess I suppose. Timmy can I have his treats?

Aww Timmy...

Do you see him Fitz
Not yet Timmy. Oh well. Long day.
Lets head home.

Help! Help!
There he is!
What was that Fitz?
Oh goodie. We found him

I got a nice set of glasses to put our Nip in.
Nice Toby
Thanks Buttons

I got Dad a fridgie magnet
Cool Einstein pal. Ya knowed ah never thinkin that you
be da good kittah and some other cat be da funny one on dis trip.

I was glad Rumpy didn't drown.
Well... MOL Me too, a little anymeow

What an adventure. Make sure you stop by the Tabby Cat Club for some more fun!
Now for a report on our Big Weekend Commentathon and Got-Cha Day post. There were 71 comments for 35.5 Green Papers that Dad will round up to 50.
Dad went by Kitty Cottage this past weekend to drop off some wet food and say hello. He told them what were were doing and they were really grateful.
Thanks so much for helping us help others

Miss Fitz


  1. Hey, meowmy has been ovfur there!
    But not over the Falls in a barrel, MOL! You kitties are too funny!

    Nice going with the commentathon.

  2. And we liked those nipitini glasses...there's a Maple Leaf on them!! Did you kitties have to show your passports?
    Meowmy grew up not too far from the falls, about 90 min by car to the Canadian side...
    Did you get to the touristy romantic Lover's Lane? Meowmy's church is on Lover's Lane...but not there, its in Kalamazoo! MOL!!

  3. Concatulations on your pawsome commentathon ! And what a nice trip ! Purrs

  4. Hi guys! Sammy there is NO WAY you would have gotten one of us in the barrel! You are so brave Rumpy! We posted over at the TCC, sillly Mommy! Concats on a great Comment-a-Thon!

  5. I've been over a barrel often enough but not in one. Rumpy, you are one brave cat. And I'm not sure if Miss Fitz had your best interests at heart. Just a thought...

  6. Oh WOW! What a terrific adventure and great pics! :) ConCats on the commentathon!! We will do one soon *glares at The Staff* MOL

  7. Wow what a trip! What an adventure! We think you all had a meowulous time!

  8. It looks like you are having an incredible adventure except for the part about Rumpy going over the falls in a barrel. We are glad that he is O.K. Andy was able to make the trip with Dezi. Hope we can meet up with all of you on the trip. Love, Cali, Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S.)

  9. guys...way awesum oh ewe N pops ta give up green papers for Kitty Cottage !! we noe they iz vereee happee ♥ grate job on yur comment thon !!

  10. OMC Y'all awe just a little mean. MOL Looks like yous havin' a good time tho'. And bwingin' bak sum gweat mementos too. See ya' sumwhere wound da Falls. :)

    Glad da commentafon went well. Dat's so pawsum of yous daddy.

    Luv ya'


  11. So glad to see you at Niagara Falls. I hope you all enjoyed your time there.

  12. Great photos, but going over the falls in a barrel is dangerous.

  13. Hurrah fer da Commint-a-thon beein a sucksess!!! Well dun to all of us!
    Wow diz Niagara Fallz trip iz purrty kewl....Rumpy yer me new *HERO*!!!!!
    WE lub all of ya...
    Yer hearder iz pawsum too!
    Lub Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum x0x0x0x0x0x0

  14. Niagara Falls....slowly I turned...step by step....

    Uh oh! The mom is showing her age. Congrats on the great commentathon!

  15. Ummmm, did you guys get our comment we just made okay? 'Cos we are not sure, so we're just checking.

  16. Thanks for coming with us on the trip to Niagara Falls AND concatulations on the successful commentathon!!!! YAY!!!!

    Hugs, Sammy

  17. Good job on the comment-a-thon. That was one terrific three-day birthday bash. The Niagara Falls trip looks like so much fun. We would really have liked to go on that one, but Mom says she is overwhelmed right now so we had to sit it out! Glad Rumpy wasn't hurt, and you were able to retrieve him. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  18. Looks like you all had so much fun! Sorry I missed the commentathon.

  19. ConCATulations on such a successful commentathon, pals! That is so awesome.

    Niagara Falls looks like it was really fun. Sorry we could not go!

  20. Looks like you had lot´s of FUN at the Niagara falls !
    My mom-person have a bad cold so she couldn´t help me out with any photos :(
    ConCATulations on the awesome commenthon!

  21. Concats on your commentathon! That was a great trip to Niagara Falls and Rumpy was very brave. I had to cover my eyes for a while though because it was scary.

  22. What fun you kitties had, awesome post! (PS: We are so sorry to have missed your Commentathon but are glad it was so successful.)

  23. Rumpy, you are one brave kitty. Glad you made it over the Falls safely. Looks like you all had a great time!!
    P.S. Wow, what a great commentathon. We know the Kitty Cottage will be so grateful. We had a great time at your birthday bash!


Let us cats know what you think of our post! No hissing please.