
Friday, September 19, 2014

Arrr tis Da Pirates of the High Seas the Tomcat Swabbies

Arrr... Timmy the Scourge Tomcat here with mate Fatal Fitz.
Yarr... We just boarded the nasty vessel of the Scurvy Mouse of the Seas Mickey Rodent.

I have built up a mighty thirst fur Nip Grog Fatal Fitz
Ay Captain Tim, let us open the scuppers and sink this
derelict ship now that Mickey is no more

How shall we ever find our way back to our ship now that the light has gone captain?
Fear not Fatal Fitz. First mate Buddy Barnacle Budd has stolen a strange and wondrous new contraption to carry us back to our ship The Excitable Boy!

Err, I mean Arrr Mate Barnacle Budd come and pick your captain and furst mate Fatal Fitz up!
Yeah ya Scalla wag! Hizzz tiz Fitzzz!
GOTCHA Boidy! Comin Cap'n, comin Fatal!

The Tomcat Crew is ready to board any lowly lubbers
ship unlucky enough to sail into our path. 

Up the Crows Nest Ragged Rumpy to spot the enemy!

Yoo better gettin Buddy his Treats or yer head be off!
Tell Cap'n  Tim Barnacle Bud!

Should we fire? Or am I fired?

NO! No! Nope! Later!
Never! In a bit!
Aw... come on cats... I'll be good!

We will let you down soon Ragged Rumpy. Now keep a lookout fur our fellow Bloggin Pals ships on the horizon.

See Timmy the Scourge Tomcat and Fatal Fitz at the Tabby Cat Club
The Tomcat Swabbies wish ye all a fine Day of Talkin Like Pirates


  1. Wonderful pirates ! Your special jumping boat is terrific ! Purrs

  2. Arrrrr! Great job guys and Miss Fatal Fitz! Hope there wasn't any mutiny!

  3. Goodness, what a great Pirate post. Love all of you dressed up. Especially the kitty stuck up on the mast. Hope he gets down soon. Happy Pirate Day.

  4. I agree with Marg: a great post, wonderful pictures. That ship seems a pretty rowdy vessel. I think other ships are safe, though: too much pirating going onboard this one!

  5. Ye’re lookin' fine 'n jimdandy. Have a nip grog-filled Meow Like a scurvy Pirate Day. Arrr what an adventure.

  6. Arrr tis a Fine Crew ye there Capt'n Timmy!ye Should Join me at the Pirate Council party I be 'aving,xx Capt'n Speedy

  7. Huzzah! Ye all be fine pirates, mateys! Timmy, we be wishin' ye be a Scourge all year long!


  8. Aaaaaaw y'all be sum mighty fine lookin' piwates.

    Luv ya'


  9. Arrr tis a fine adventure ye be having sailing the seven seas.

  10. Ye be having some might fine adventures indeed, mateys! Arrggghh to ye on this Meow Like a Pirate Day!

  11. Arrrr you have a regular pirate story going on there! You all look meowvelous!

  12. Ragged Rumpy?!! Did ye choose that name , matey?!! Heehee. We like ye pirate swag.Care to have a swig of t grog wit us me hearties?!

    the critters in the cottage xo

  13. Ahoy mateys! What fine pirates ye be! We have a bottle o' catnip rum we be willin' t' share w' ye. Arrrrr!!

  14. arrggghh! ahoy me mateys. Ye're looking right fit for the sea. come on over and have a sail on me ship and enjoy the nip grog

  15. Ye be fine scurvy pirates!!!

    The Florida Furkids

  16. Ahoy, scalawags, it is Pirates Blue here to share a nip grog or two with ye and share some piratey yarns from days of old before we sail off into the sunset until next year. Arrgh, Lily Olivia, Mauicio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  17. Ahoy ye scurvy pirates and Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day!

    Cindi Lou & The Kitty Krew

  18. Avast Maties!!! Me sure thinks that yous swabbies had a fabulishious time sailing the 7 seas and mes glad wes passed by and met up with yous!
    Kisses er AAARRRRR!!!!!

  19. Gosh, you all know so much pirate lingo. I am VERY impressed. I don't know a single pirate word, I'm afraid. Hmmm... Wonder if there's a pirate dictionary available. Bet there is! Gonna have to get one for next year.


  20. ARRRRR ye scurvy Pie-rat Kittehz what pillfurz n pill-aggz me haz all da booty n sum guud nip too...come n find me...Yer all lookin so fine in yer Pie-rat fineree.....
    Yer Queen Nylablue of da Nile Pie-ratPee ess: Me cuud talk like diz ebery day butt Mum wuud fink me had lost me furry mind...
    Lub Nylablue xxxxxxxxxx

  21. What an adventure! You all make wonderful pirates. Buddy Barnacle Budd, can we have a ride on that contraption of yours? It looks like fun!

  22. What awesome pirates you were! OMC: Buddy Barnacle Budd...that's great!

  23. PepiSmartDog; Timmy this is an awesome post! Love it. :=o)
    Yeah me little hearty!!!
    Thank you for joining our Thankful Thursday Weekly Blog Hop last week.
    Hope to see you gain this week because we always enjoy reading your posts, which are so entertaining and informative.
    *waves paw* :=o)


Let us cats know what you think of our post! No hissing please.