
Monday, August 18, 2014

Solid Footing

Here it is. The Cat-Walk

I have to admit...

It is nice and big

You can see out

and walk about

to check things out. Still...

Fitz what is the big attraction?

If I have to explain,
you wouldn't understand

Ah thinkin da ground betterz too Mr Buttenz.
Sumptin bout havin solid footin

Agreed Buddy. Together we will rule the plains of this great untamed land...
Hoo Cat Buttonz. You sure needin solid somethin
Oh yeah Dad thanky thank ya all too!

Mr B with FIV (We need love too)


  1. Wow! You were brave to check it out, but there is nothing like terra firma, or in this case a solid floor...MOL!

  2. Wow, I think that catwalk is pretty amazing!

  3. What a pawesome catwalk! Looks like a great way to get around the room.

  4. Your dad is the best in the land to build you this magnificent playground. The hours of fun to be had strutting and snoozing on the cat walk...we can only imagine. Thanks for taking part in our Sunday Selfie Blog Hop. Hope you'll be back next week. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid and Calista Jo

  5. OOOOOOOooooo you've got such a cool cat walkway! We love it!

  6. It must be wonderful having that cat-walk. But I'd be grateful for solid ground, too...

  7. doodz & fitz...popz bee one rockin dood ta build theez walk a round for ewe....N ta haz it pazz bye de window...MEGA KEWL !!!!! ♥

  8. The catification of our house goes on ; Mum showed your photos to Dad, and the next step is buying some shelves and hang them at strategic places ! Purrs

  9. That is a great cat walk and looks like lots of fun.
    I hope your dad's pain has eased again. I send him purrs.

  10. That is an amazing cat walk!!! Very impressed indeed :)

  11. Your Dad did an incredible job with your new & blue super-highways! We love 'em!

  12. That cat walk is TOO COOL!! Your dad did such a wonderful job with it! Now, if only our dad would build us one...

  13. What an awesome catwalk your Dad has made you kitties, we bet you will be able to spy real interesting things out that window...have a wonderful week everyone!

  14. Solid footing is always a good idea. That cat walk looks fun!

    thanks for commenting!!!

  15. That cat walk is super! We can only dream of one of those but maybe someday! Thank you for helping Pia and Dexter celebrate their love anniversary today! Purrs...

  16. WOW!!! What a pawsum cat walk yous all hav. Dat means mowe space fur all of yous. ☺ Course sis Lexi likes a little solid footin' at times too. Me guesses me duz too, but weez also luv bein' high up. Enjoy yous wunnewful day and cat walk. Or da gwound ifin yous purrfur.

    Luv ya'


  17. Such a apwsum kitteh walk!!! Wow yer Dad iz bery tallented n we lubz da blue color too!!!
    Strut yer stuff kitteh boyz n Miss fitz ya will haz lotz to look at now ;)
    Lub Nylablue n Mum too x0x0x0x0

  18. Well Buddy and Buttonz every cat needs his own place to roam, you just happen to like it a bit lower :)


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