
Friday, August 29, 2014

Our Riverboat Adventure with the Tabby Cat Club

Well Miss Fitz we are back home again.
You bet Timmy. Lets tell our furends about this great trip.
You can visit our furends and see what they did too.
Just click on their names. 

You acted like we were going away for years!
Aww Fitz, I miss Dad and the brofurs.
I do too, but... you were a bit over the top

Our hosts, Sammy, Raz and Gracie had evfurrything ready
It really was well planned

The room was very nice.

The Riverboats dining room had excellent food

Gracie was our server with Sammy and Raz circulating
among the other Tabby Cat Club members.
She was so very gracious. There were complimentary

beetle bugs. Crunchy and a real treat.

We enjoyed walking the deck and there was a Spa

There was a Spa. Very relaxing

Soon we were at our destination and boarding the Swamp Runner to our lodgings

The scenery was amazing
Simply breathtaking

All too soon we arrived with Dezi, Lexi, and Moosey.
Ralphie and Marty were looking really sharp

The Tabby Cat Club filled every room at the Swamp Hotel

Furst we took a walk around the well marked trails

Then we went down to the water and got a canoe

Hope the fishing is good Miss Fitz
Gracie packed us a sack lunch. How nice

That Gator looks hungry. Hope doesn't take my fish.
He better not if he knows what's good fur him!

That Gator must not have understood cat as befur you know it he grabbed my fish. Miss Fitz was having none of that!

Who do you think you are scaly. Give that BACK!
*Whacky-Paw, Bitey, Whacky-Paw*

After the canoe conundrum we relaxed with a scary movie

Glad we did not see that thing in the swamp.
Bet he smells bad too!

Our room was very nice and I really needed a rest after our big day.

All too soon the our big adventure was done and it was time to go home.

Thanks Sammy, Gracie and Raz. Evfurrything was purrfect.
You bet Miss Fitz. See all at the Tabby Cat Club.

Please visit the Memorial for Sparkle the Designer Cat that is going on today. There is a comment-a-thon to benefit a great cat sanctuary, Tabby's Place

Timmy Tomcat
Miss Fitz


  1. Oh so much fun!!! Wow what an adventure!

  2. What a great time you all had,xx Speedy

  3. Wowee! What fun!
    Did you find any fish or gators in your luggage when you unpacked at home??

  4. What an adventure ! We're especially impressed by Ms Fitz facing the gator ! Purrs

  5. Thank you for spreading the word about Sparkle's memorial and commenthon! My human and I really appreciate it.

  6. Looks like you all had a great time. Looks like you even had more members take this trip than Cat Scouts did. We bet Miss Fitz was thrilled to have the opportunity to do this. Excellent photos for your scrapbooks. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  7. What a fun time! We love the Felix the Cat suitcase. :)

  8. What an amazing adventure.
    We just took a nap and played with the red dot.
    Us felines need to talk to our Mom...she has been holding out on us!
    Way to go adventure felines!

  9. Wasn't that a super fun trip guys? Nice that some of us got to take that riverboat TWICE isn't it??? Tee Hee

    Hugs, Sam

  10. so glad you had such a great trip - looks like fun!

  11. Bootsy has not returned for two weeks. We feel certain he has crossed the rainbow bridge

    thanks for your support – Debby in Arizona

  12. Oh Timmy and miss Fitz what a pawsum posty. Meez luved it all, specially miss Fitz whacky pawin' da gatow. Wow. MOL Fanks fur includin' me and sis Lexi.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  13. We had a wonderful time with everyone! Thanks so much for going too! Miss Fitz you showed that gator who was boss didn't you!
    Marty and Ralphie

  14. Pawsum adventure ya all had!! Miss Fitz ya shure showed da gatur who waz 'boss'; how dare he try to take yer fish!!!
    We iz glad ya all ahd such a grreat time n all came home in one peece too ;)
    Much Lub Nylablue n Mum too x0x0x0x0x0x0

  15.'re on vacashion... I'm furry impressed by your adventures :D Pawkisses :)

  16. Hmmm…. this looks familiar, says Sampson. Hope the trip was even better the second time around!

  17. What a fantastic trip that was! We love seeing your adventures and pics from your trips, they are awesome!


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